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Giveaway: Win a signed copy of Sweet Temptation by Maya Banks

A couple of weeks ago I was extremely fortunate enough to meet one of my favorite authors Maya Banks at a book signing in Arlington, TX. I was able to get a couple of my books autographed including my very first Maya book  Colter’s Woman.  I have a picture of both of us on my digital camera however I’ve misplace the cord that attaches to the camera and plugs into the computer. I’ve been looking for it everywhere. 😦

The good news is I have six signed copies of Sweet Temptation and one of the could be yours, just tell me what was the first Maya Banks book you read and what was your favorite scene in that book. Good Luck 🙂

An Interview with Christine Wells about Sweetest Little Sin

A Marquis’ Betrayal
Lady Louisa Brooke has many suitors, but the only man for her is the wild and ruthless Marquis of Jardine. When Jardine suddenly abandons her after a long-standing liaison, he leaves her with nothing except the secret they share. Her future in ruins, Louisa recklessly accepts a mission from the head of the secret service and becomes embroiled in a perilous operation in which nothing is as it seems…

A Lady’s Revenge
The Marquis of Jardine is determined to destroy the criminal mastermind who’s sworn vengeance against all he holds dear. But when he hears that Louisa is to wed a dangerous enemy, Jardine is tortured by jealousy and fear for her safety. He tracks her down, only to discover that her mission collides with his.

A Love that Won’t Be Denied
Together, Louisa and Jardine must now foil a plan to betray the secret service and escape a diabolical revenge. But can they put the past behind them, and take the greatest risk of all—on love?

Christine, Thank-you for agreeing to an author interview today.

Hi Greta, thanks so much for having me!

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

A Love that Won’t Be Denied
Together, Louisa and Jardine must now foil a plan to betray the secret service and escape a diabolical revenge. But can they put the past behind them, and take the greatest risk of all—on love?

I live in Australia with my husband and two small boys. Thank goodness our dog is a girl or I’d be completely outnumbered! I’m a former lawyer who decided to exchange writing contracts and prospectuses for romance novels. I can’t believe I get paid to have this much fun!

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing with a view to publication since about 2001.

What is your writing process like?

I’m a fly by the seat of my pants writer and I wish I wasn’t. Things stew away in my head for a long while and then when it reaches some kind of tipping point I just blurt it all out on the page in a fairly quick draft. Then I go back and flesh out and cut and polish. I’d much prefer to outline and I have tried a lot of different processes but nothing else fits.

Can you tell us about your newest release Sweetest Little Sin?

Oh, gladly! The Marquis of Jardine, a ruthless government spy, and Lady Louisa Brooke were secondary characters in an earlier novel of mine, THE DANGEROUS DUKE. They have a long and tortured history together but SWEETEST LITTLE SIN opens with Jardine telling Louisa it’s over between them. Shattered by his betrayal, Louisa recklessly accepts a mission from a British spymaster, only to find that her objective coincides with Jardine’s.

What are you currently working on?

I’d love to tell you—I’m so excited about my next project—but unfortunately, it’s under wraps for the moment.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

I’m not sure where these ideas come from. Some spring from tidbits of research but usually certain characters and situations appeal to me and then the story unfurls from there.

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

Yes, I love reading, of course! I often have two or three books on the go at one time. Auto-buys—Liz Carlyle, Lisa Kleypas, Loretta Chase, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, too many to name. I also enjoy reading crime, C.S. Harris, Elizabeth George, PD James.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

My husband always grumbles that there are too many ‘keeper’ books in my collection. But also very special to me are books written and signed by friends. I’d never part with those.

What was the first romance book you read or the one book that has stood the test of time for you?

I think Georgette Heyer’s novels were the first romances I read and I still re-read them from time to time. I recently bought a wonderful audible book of Heyer’s Sylvester read by Richard Armitage.

If your book was made into a movie, which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

Oh, that’s a tough one! I think Richard Armitage would be wonderful as Jardine. I’d pick a cool blonde for Lady Louisa but not someone conventionally pretty. Maybe Megan Dodds, who was in MI-5/Spooks.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

I’d switch lives with Louisa if it meant I could have Jardine!

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

I love spending time with friends and family, going to the beach, traveling.

If you could ask readers anyone question, what would it be?

I’d like to know what romance novel you’d love to see as a movie and who you’d cast in the roles of hero and heroine. One commenter will receive a signed copy of SWEETEST LITTLE SIN.

Where can readers find you on the internet?

Please visit my website: http://www.christine-wells.com/

Or join me at the Romance Bandits blog: http://romancebandits.blogspot.com/

Thanks so much for having me here today!

Review: The Bottom Line by Shelley Munro

Spicing up her sex life sounds exciting…until the fantasy hits the fan.

When Maggie Drummond buys an erotic romance novel by mistake, she gets more than an unexpected eyeful. She gets an introduction to a world that arouses her to a fever pitch. Spanking.

Her boyfriend isn’t interested in pushing his vanilla-flavored sexual boundaries. Then there’s Connor Grey, who haunts her fantasies like a magical genie. As a source of masculine advice for her and her female friends, he’s off limits. The only safe place to explore her fetish is her anonymous blog.

The recent changes in Maggie don’t escape Connor’s notice. Now that her boyfriend has dropped her, he can finally—carefully—make his move. Given his family history, laying a hand on any woman, even in fun, is a line he’s reluctant to cross. But for Maggie? Anything the lady wants.

As Maggie gives in to the temptation to let Connor add some sin to her life, she finds herself juggling lies, half-truths, friendship and sensual delights. Her job is in jeopardy—and she’s falling in love. Exploring her fantasy is one thing, but she’s beginning to question if indulging her own pleasure is worth the cost to everyone around her. Especially Connor…

Warning: Contains explicit sex, spanking, and the good, the bad and the ugly about friendship.

This book was just what I needed, when I needed it. Maggie is the average woman. No secret agent/supermodel here. She lives in a small apartment, she works her 9-5 job, hangs out with her friends, and has a boyfriend that she knows isn’t perfect for her but keeps him anyway because it’s better than being lonely. Who couldn’t relate to her? Oh, and did I mention she starts a blog? 😀

Then there is Connor. Yummy, yummy Conner. He plays rugby but is completely comfortable sitting in a bar with his female friends. And he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win his woman. Of course, in typical guy fashion, he makes a few blunders which leads to some misunderstandings, but his heart is in the right place and it is all done to give Maggie what she needs.

The Bottom Line was such a fun and sexy read. There is a scene where the group of friends decide to try speed dating and Maggie starts off each meeting with “How do you feel about spanking?” I could recommend this book based on that scene alone but, luckily, I don’t have to. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. Another keeper from Shelley Munro!

You can find an excerpt and purchase information at Shelley Munro’s site.


The winner of  a digital book from Tracy Cooper-Posey’s backlist is:

Morning Glow!

Please email me at lillie80 @ gmail.com (without the spaces) with the title of your choice and preferred format.

The winner of Marked by Elisabeth Naughton is:

Jennifer D!

Please e-mail Greta at gw12cats03 @ charter.net (without the spaces) with your address.

Winners will have 3 days to contact us or a new name will be drawn. Congrats!

Q&A with Elisabeth Naught on her new release Marked!

Elisabeth, Thank-you for agreeing to an author interview today.

Thanks so much to Greta for inviting me back to talk about my latest release! I’m thrilled to be here.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

I think my books are waaaay more interesting than I am, but here goes:

These days I write both romantic adventure and paranormal novels from my home in Western Oregon. Prior to being bitten by the writing bug, I was a junior high science teacher who used to drive my students nuts with the phrase, “All answers must be written in complete sentences”. (Oh, how my students used to hate me!)  I also had the reputation for being the hardass teacher (and not because I did aerobics 24/7) and often found myself in the principal’s office more than my kids. (Usually because I’d lost my keys AGAIN.)

Now that I’m not teaching anymore, I’m torturing my characters in new and interesting ways. And though my junior high students are probably glad to be rid of me, I can honestly say I got my start writing romance watching them. I mean, truly, who isn’t fascinated by raging hormones in constant motion?

Can you tell us about your upcoming release Marked?

MARKED is the first book in my new Eternal Guardians Series, which releases Tuesday, April 27, 2010. It combines Greek mythology with a modern day setting, hunky heroes, a millennia-old prophecy that could bring about the end of the world, snarky gods, seething daemons and a wicket hot romance.

You can check out the back cover blurb and read an excerpt here: http://www.elisabethnaughton.com/books/marked/

This is the first book in a new series, can you tell us about your new series?

I’m very excited about this new series. The Eternal Guardians are seven warriors who protect their realm from an evil god hell-bent on destroying them and the humans they protect. My guys are tough, alpha males, each with a unique ability/gift, but all are cursed by the goddess Hera in a way that will change their lives for all eternity.

Book one is Theron’s book. He’s the leader of the Argonauts and he’s been sent on a mission to find the one woman who completes an ancient prophecy that will protect his world from an evil god with a bad case of revenge. The catch? He falls for that woman, big time, and when it comes down to making the ultimate sacrifice, there’s no telling what will happen.

Your new series is based on Greek Mythology what type of research did you do or are you doing for your stories?

I’m constantly researching. There’s so much in Greek mythology, I don’t think I’ll ever learn it all, but I’m enjoying every step along the way.

I have oodles of books in my house all about Greek mythology – great big, thick encyclopedias. I also spend a lot of time online researching myths from different sources/perspectives. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my research it’s that not everyone explains each myth the same way. For most myths there are several different “possible” endings. For me, this is a good thing because it means I can easily take the myths and twist them the way I want for my books. For example, one of my guardians is a descendant of Jason and Medea, but in some versions of Jason’s mythological story, Medea killed all the children she had with Jason (after he betrayed her by marrying someone else). In others, one son from Jason and Medea’s romance survived to become king of Iolcus. I’ve (obviously) taken liberties with these discrepancies and other aspects of the ancient myths to make them work for my books.

You went from writing romantic suspense to writing paranormal, how different was that?

 Honestly? Not as different as I thought it would be.

I never planned to write paranormals. I love romantic suspense and always have. But one day, after researching Greek mythology for my debut book, STOLEN FURY (in which the main characters were looking for three ancient Greek reliefs of The Three Furies, the goddesses of punishment and evildoers), a paranormal idea hit me out of the blue. It was the first time a book had ever come to me as a fully formed entity. I knew the entire plot, beginning to end, and I took that as a sign I was supposed to write it. The end result was MARKED.

I knew the book had potential as a series, but I didn’t write any more books in the Eternal Guardians series until MARKED sold. At the time, I was already under contract for the Stolen Series, and was having a ball writing romantic adventure/suspense. Now, after I’ve done several books in both genres, I can say that I’ve learned writing both series isn’t all that different. Both are written in my voice. The paranormals are a little darker, but they’re still chock full of murder and mayhem, adventure and romance. And at the end? A book I hope readers will fall in love with.

Do you have plans to write any romantic suspense stories in the future?

Yes, absolutely! I love writing romantic suspense and don’t plan to give it up anytime soon.

I recently signed on to contribute to a Kensington romantic suspense anthology with Lucy Monroe and Jamie Denton. BODYGUARDS IN BED will be a June 2011 release. More details on this story to come, but I can tell you this much: a secondary character from my Stolen Series is going to be a main character in my novella.

I’m also working on a whole new romantic adventure/suspense series. When I have more info to share about that, I’ll post it on my website.

What are you currently working on?

Right now I’m finishing up book three in my Eternal Guardians Series – TEMPTED (February 2011). I won’t tell you who this book is about yet (don’t want to spoil any of the secrets in MARKED!), but I will say I’m having a lot of fun with this one.

After I finish TEMPTED, I’m switching gears and will be working on my RS novella, and then it’s back to the Eternal Guardians and book four in the series (which is yet untitled).

Do have any other books releasing this year?

Yep. MARKED (book one, Eternal Guardians – April 27, 2010) will be followed up with ENTWINED, book two in the series, which releases July 27, 2010. And book three follows six months later in Feb. 2011.

If you could ask readers any one question, what would it be?

Just ONE?

Okay, here’s what I want to know most:

What’s your favorite type of story to read? Reunion story? Secret baby story? Chase story? Whodunnit story? Arranged marriage story? What do YOU love to read? I’m always fascinated by what readers want to see authors write more of.

Where can readers find you on the internet?

Reader’s can find me at the following locations:

My website: http://www.elisabethnaughton.com/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/elisabeth.naughton1

Twitter: twitter.com/ElisNaughton

Mid-Willamette Valley RWA Blog:  http://www.mwvrwa.blogspot.com/

Thanks so much for having me here today, Greta!

***Leave a comment answering Elisabeth’s question and one lucky comment will win a signed copy of Elisabeth’s new release MARKED. Good Luck 🙂

Tracy Cooper-Posey and the Real Roman Britain

The Real Roman Britain, Much More Sophisticated Than We Think.

Some historians tend to lump “Roman Britain” in with the “Ancient Britain” era of that country’s history, which is somewhat unfair.  Just because parts of the Roman Britain era were into the BCE section of history, doesn’t mean Britons were all hairy people living in caves, wrapped in badly cured animal skins, with bad teeth and body odour.

Even though the historians are technically correct – Roman Britain is just a period and Ancient Britain is the era it belongs to, I tend to avoid the term “ancient” and use “Roman Britain” to describe the period I write in instead – it’s the same period, but it sounds more flattering.  The Romans were incredibly sophisticated, with a degree of culture, engineering and medicine that made life comfortable, healthy and refined that for the time was absolutely mind-boggling.

They extended that comfort and ease to every culture and society they came across.  Romans didn’t so much conquer as they seduced:  Who wouldn’t trade in mud and grass huts for a padded couch, hot bath and scented oils?  In this way, the Roman influence extended across half of the globe by the fifth century A.D., spread via flat Roman roads that saw traffic teaming back to Rome by the cartload.

We like to portray the Romans in films and books as barbaric pagans who slaughtered cows for their gods, had sex with their family members, gave their daughters to their friends in marriage contracts, kept slaves, held orgies, thought nothing of homosexuality, human sacrifice, gladiator fighting, and more.

And it’s true, they had their ruthless side.

But they did bring a settled influence upon more than half the world, that was far more progressive than any other civilization up to that point in time.  For instance:

  • They used indoor and outdoor plumbing, and kept human waste separate from clean drinking water.
  • They practised dentistry, including the use of coloured false wooden and metal teeth to replace missing permanent adult teeth.
  • They created and used prophylactics (condoms) to prevent unnecessary childbirth.
  • They used the most admired engineering the world has ever seen to build roads, buildings and other civil works that in some parts of the world are still intact even today, over two thousand years later.  Many of those engineering works were built without mortar, and they had an ability to cut stone with such preciseness that despite a lack of mortar, the stonework fit together almost seamlessly and can carry water without spilling a drop.
  • They used aqueduct systems to pipe water from long distances to towns and cities – a public water works.  The systems always used natural slopes and the fact that water runs downhill to maintain themselves.  They did not need outside energy to keep the water running like our modern water systems do today.
  • They used a hypocaust system – a system of indoor crawl spaces to carry hot air plus a central furnace – to keep their houses heated in winter.  In other words: central heating.

Around the fifth century A.D. the Romans began to turn their attention inward upon their own internal strife and political turmoil.  They withdrew their troops and legions from the extremes of the Roman Empire, including far flung lands like Britain.  The Romans named them Britannia, and it is the name that eventually stuck.

The Saxons swept through the land the Romans deserted, seeing only farmlands rich for the picking.  The native Celts and the Romano-British that had been born in Britain but raised in the Roman ways fought hard to keep their island to themselves.  It is this troubled time when Arthur, if he existed, would have stepped to the fore and lead the people that Rome deserted, against the invading Saxons who were desperate for arable land to feed their hungry families, too.  History shows that the British did hold back the Saxons for a time, but only briefly.  Then the Saxons won, and Britain became England and the civilized culture that Rome left behind was superseded by the mores and society that the Anglo-Saxons stamped upon their new land.

But the influence of the Romans is still felt even today.  Did you know that the British drive on the left side of the road (and Australians and other British Commonwealth countries) because Julius Caesar never personally visited that country?  In the days when chariot driving and whips were first developed, everyone drove on the left, in order to avoid accidentally whipping foot traffic (you hold the reins in your left hand, and the whip in your right).  But Julius Caesar was left-handed and insisted on driving on the right, so whatever country he visited changed the rules to suit his driving habits.

The United States first started out with traffic driving on the left, as the English did.  It was only after the Declaration of Independence that all states switched over to driving on the right.

There’s a lot of habits we take for granted today that originated with the Romans and survived despite repeated invasions of Saxons, Normans, punk rock, and the Spice Girls.

I know I’ll be grateful forever just for the idea of bathing in hot water, for instance.

Diana By The Moon

He is Arthur’s man. His duty is his life. She fears and mistrusts him. The only way they will survive is to work together.

Finalist, Emma Darcy Award.

Diana — a fiery kitten of a Roman woman, who hides a terrible past, and struggles to lead her people on a desperate quest for survival against famine and Saxon raids, unable to trust anyone.
Alaric — proud Celtic warrior and trusted lieutenant to the upstart British leader, Arthur, who must overcome his hatred of Romans if he is to fulfill Arthur’s ambitions in the north.
A haunting tale of two lives touched by the coming of King Arthur, and two hearts & souls struggling to come together against odds as great as those against Britain itself. Only together will they survive, or else be sundered…forever.

Verus rested his hand on her shoulder in sympathy. He reached under his cloak and withdrew something, which he held out to her. “Here.”
It was his knife with the bronze and jeweled hilt. Eboracus, the Bishop of Eboracum, had given him the knife upon his christening. Diana had seen it in his hand at every meal she had ever shared with him.
“I want you to keep it, Diana. That little thing of yours has long passed the time when it should have been replaced. This knife has a good blade and it is long enough to reach any vital organs.”
Diana had reached out to take the knife but recoiled at his words, shocked.
Verus laughed. He picked up her hand and placed the knife in it. “Keep it as a reminder of me if you prefer, my gentle Diana. And when you think of me, remember that I made you a promise.” He straightened up and put his hand on his chest, over his heart. “If you need me, send word. I will come.”
Diana weighed the knife in her hand. “Where you are going, you will need every blade you have.”
“The jeweled hilt gets in the way and holding it throughout a whole day of fighting…” He reached for his belt again and withdrew a long, heavy knife with a plain hilt. “This is a much better tool for my needs.”
Diana stared at it. “Where did you get it?”
“Spoils of war,” Verus said offhandedly. His casualness told her how much Verus had truly changed. He meant he had killed the previous owner of the knife in combat. She swallowed.
Verus held out his hand. “Come, I’ll walk you back to the villa.”
“Where are you going?” She accepted his hand and stood.
“I’m meeting some of the men tonight to tell them tales of my glorious life in Arthur’s army. Bedivere the Great!” He laughed and started down the hill with her.
“Bedivere?” It was the Celtic rendering of Verus. “You call yourself Bedivere too?”
“It goes easier on most men’s tongues,” he said with a shrug.  “There are no benefits in being from a Roman family there. Every man is equal.”
“Equal?” Diana gave a startled snort of laughter. It was another revolutionary idea, one that kept her occupied all the way back to the villa.

* * * * *

The screaming woke her.
Diana lay blinking away sleep and listening, puzzled, when the door curtain was thrown aside.
“Diana!” It was Lucilla’s voice. Diana sat up.
“What is it?” she asked her sister’s shadow.
“Wake the children and bring them to the triclinium. Hurry!”
Diana automatically reached for her cloak and girdle, while her mind dealt with a thousand questions. The screaming was coming from outside. Beneath the shrieks was a low heavy booming that filled her with foreboding, even though she did not recognize it. She shook Minna.
“What is happening? Why are the women screaming?” Diana asked Lucilla.
“Saxons!” Lucilla hissed, then spun away and was gone.
Coppery fear flooded Diana. Saxons! Here! She shook Minna harder, her own body trembling violently. She now knew what the booming noise was.
The Saxons were ramming the gates to the villa.
As soon as Minna roused, Diana pulled her out of bed and threw her cloak around her shoulders. She scooped up Titus, the smallest and pushed him into Minna’s arms. Diana picked up Marcus, who snuggled sleepily on her hip, then pushed Minna out of the room ahead of her.
Predawn light filled the sky. By the stout villa gates, short Roman sword in hand, Ambrosius stood with Lucilla. As Diana and Minna hurried along the verandah to the dining room, Lucilla turned and ran for the wing where she and Ambrosius and their boys lived.
Diana pushed open the heavy door and they moved inside.
Her father was standing at the main table, his arms up in the air, while her mother buckled the fastenings of his grandfather’s old legionnaire armor. At the sight of the polished chest plate, Diana felt dizzy. Her father was too old to be fighting!
Yet he had to fight.
Diana put Marcus on his feet and pushed him toward the divan, where Minna curled up with Titus. The little boy ran over and climbed up with his siblings and sat watching, his eyes enormous.
Ursula stepped back from her husband and picked up the short sword from the table. Her eyes met Diana’s and Diana saw tears glistening there. Ursula turned back to strap the sword around Marcellus’ waist.
“Hurry, woman!” her father hissed, his voice trembling.
Lucilla came into the room weeping, shepherding her three boys with her.
Marcellus’ jaw clenched. “No tears, daughter. We are Romans. Have Verus and the others gone to defend the gate?”
“Oh, Father! He’s not here! Verus has gone and so have nearly all the men—slaves, freedmen, even the farmers! Gone!”
“Gone where?”
“Sosia told me—they left last night. They’re going to join the Pendragon. Ambrosius is out there alone. Father, we’re completely defenseless!”
Marcellus’ face grew gray and mottled. “Gone? Left us? All of them?” he whispered.
“Mama!” Minna wailed, reaching for Ursula who pulled her daughter into her arms.
“Hush, child.” Ursula looked to her husband expectantly.
Alarmed Diana stepped closer. “Father?” she whispered. She saw his lips working but no sound emerged.
Outside, the heavy pounding on the outer gates was punctuated by sharp cracking and a strange tearing sound. Triumphant cries sounded.
“The gates have been breached,” Lucilla breathed.
“Mother of God save us!” Ursula invoked.
Lucilla whirled and slammed the door shut. She pushed the bolts home, weeping again.
Diana caught her father’s hand. “Father?”
His hand suddenly clenched hers, mashing her fingers together and a rictus of pain contorted his face. His right hand grabbed at the metal over his breast.
“Mother!” Diana cried out in warning as her father began to fall.
Ursula pushed Minna aside and leapt to help Diana lower Marcellus to the floor. His whole body was contorting with pain.
“The armor! Get it off!” Ursula ordered.
Diana worked frantically on the old leather buckles, her fingers trembling and unwieldy.
Shockingly, the door to the dining room shuddered under an almighty blow.
Ursula looked up, her eyes wide with fear.
“Lucilla!” Minna screamed.
Diana whirled around to Lucilla. Her sister had Marcellus’ sword and as Diana turned, Lucilla pushed the sword deep into her body and sagged to the floor. “I go to join Ambrosius,” Lucilla whispered weakly. “They will not reach me there.”
Minna screamed again, a wordless cry of protest.
Another blow on the door dislodged the bolt and the door quivered aside. Diana leapt to her feet and backed away from the doorway, away from the warriors with horned helmets who stood on the other side with their bloody battle axes glinting in the rays of the rising sun.
They boiled into the room, dozens of them and the smell of hot blood came with them. The women and children, all who were alive in the room, shrieked and fell back.
From between their ranks stepped the tallest of them all. He was a huge man with a horned helmet and a dirty beard, which curled over his thick belt. He looked around, sizing up the room.
Diana looked to her mother for it was Ursula’s place to stand before their attackers.
But her mother lay across her husband’s body, her eyes glazed and empty. From beneath her glinted the handle of her husband’s sword.
Diana held back her cry of dismay and horror. They had deserted her and the younger ones—all of them had escaped and left her alone to face her fate.
She glanced at Minna, who held Lucilla’s three boys and Titus and Marcus. They were shivering, watching her.
If Diana had ever doubted how insignificant her place was in the family—her place and the place of those trusting children she looked at now—then she doubted it no longer.
She barely hesitated. With a cry that sounded like an animal in pain, a cry she would never have thought herself capable of sounding, she spun and rushed at the Saxons. She had no idea what she intended.
The leader dealt with her with an ease that astonished her.    She was flung across the room to smash against the wall with a solidness that stopped her breath and made her groan. Knowing there was no other choice, she turned and rushed back at him again.
He grabbed her arm and she froze as his knife pushed against her throat. He laughed, showing foul teeth amid the hairy lips.
He spoke a badly accented Latin. “Peace, woman. Dead I do not want you yet. There is fun to be had first.” And again he roared with laughter, his men laughing with him. As he laughed, his glance took in Minna and the boys and his laugh grew louder.
Fear grabbed Diana’s throat and clenched her stomach. But cold reason whispered to her.
I am alive. I’m alive and while I breathe still I will do whatever I must to keep us all alive. I, Diana, swear this by whoever listens.
And from the corner of her eye she saw the old wall fresco of the moon goddess, Diana, smiling upon her.

To buy Diana By The Moon, click here.

Tracy’s WebsiteBlogBooks

Don’t forget to leave me a comment!  I love to chat!

***One lucky commenter will win a digital download of any book from Tracy’s backlist. Winner’s choice! Good luck 😀

Congratulations: Lots of Winners



Winner of Ectasy Unveiled for voting for Larissa & Lore in the DA BWAHA tournament:

Barbara Elness

Winner of a signed copy of A Touch of Scandal by Jennifer Haymore:


Winner of a signed copy of Highland Surrender by Dawn Halliday:

Alicia L.

Please e-mail me at gw12cats03 @ charter.net (without the spaces) with your address. Winners will have three days to e-mail me or new winners will be drawn. Congratulations!

Q&A & Contest with Dawn Halliday

Dawn, Thank-you for agreeing to an author interview today.

Thanks so much for having me!

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

I am a California mom of three who loves to write emotionally intense, sexy romance. I also write historical romance as Jennifer Haymore.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing seriously when my daughter was born five years ago.

What is your writing process like?

It really changes with every book! I’d say the consistent things are that after I come up with an initial concept for a book, I work off a loose outline, and I write sequentially. Also, I get my best writing done late at night with a cup of coffee or tea beside me!

Can you tell us about your newest release, Highland Surrender?

After writing two books centering on love triangles, Highland Surrender is my attempt at a “love square.” There are two couples matched up at the beginning of the book, but they end up with different partners at the end!

Do you have any other books releasing this year?

Yes, as Jennifer Haymore, I have A Touch of Scandal in April, and A Season of Seduction in October. Both are spicy-hot Regency romances.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently finishing up edits on A Season of Seduction and starting my next Jennifer Haymore book.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

That’s a hard question to answer, because they’re just…there, usually! My husband sometimes helps me with original concepts, and often once I come up with a concept, he helps me to map it out. He’s a great “idea man.”

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I love to read, and wish I had time to read more! I also wish I wasn’t such a slow reader…

My auto-buy historical authors include: Laura Kinsale, Diana Gabaldon, Loretta Chase, Anna Campbell, Julie Garwood, and newcomers Tessa Dare and Courtney Milan. I love Monica McCarty’s Scottish historicals, and Maya Banks’s erotic romances.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught, Goddess of the Hunt by Tessa Dare, Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell, and all of Laura Kinsale’s and Loretta Chase’s books.

What was the first romance book you read or the one book that has stood the test of time for you?

I think the first romance I ever read was Ransom by Julie Garwood. I loved it!

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

I’d switch lives with Ceana MacNab from Highland Surrender. Even though her life has been difficult, she is a strong woman who’s so skilled at what she does as a healer, and finds her job so satisfying.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

I love hanging out and laughing with my family: we love going to the movies, going on bike rides, and just having fun around the house.

If you could ask readers any one question, what would it be?

What is your biggest pet peeve about the romances you read?

Where can readers find you on the internet?





****Leave a comment answering Dawn’s question and one lucky commenter will win a signed copy of Highland Surrender. Good Luck 🙂

Please Welcome Garrett James from Jennifer Haymore’s A Touch of Scandal

Please welcome Garrett, Duke of Calton today.

Garrett, for those readers who may not know you, can you introduce yourself?

I’m Garrett James, the Duke of Calton. I spent the last eight years in Belgium, unaware of my true identity. My memory has only recently started to return to me. I still don’t remember all of my life as it was before Belgium.

And for those that do know you tell us what you have been up to since A HINT OF WICKED released?

I’ve been all over England and Scotland, hunting for the man who tore apart my family, William Fisk.

I understand that your book A TOUCH OF SCANDAL came out?

Yes, I believe it released on March 30.

You met someone special in A TOUCH OF SCANDAL, can you tell us about Kate?

Kate is like no one I’ve ever met. Everyone in this world seems to have secrets and personal agendas. Kate, however, is completely open, honest and guileless. She’s one-of-a-kind.

Have you read A TOUCH OF SCANDAL yet and what did you think?

It’s in my library and I hope to have the time to read it soon.

I understand that you worked with Jennifer Haymore, and that she actually wrote your story? What is she like to work with?

She keeps the oddest hours and types out letters on the oddest machine I’ve ever seen.

Will readers see any of you in the future or do you know if Jennifer has anything else planned in the future?

She’s working on the story of my sister, Lady Rebecca, now, and I do appear from time to time in that story. I hope she does my sister’s story justice.

Can you tell us something about Jennifer that we may not know?

Her cat makes me sneeze, and I think my daughter, Miranda, has a tendre for her son. I’ve made an attempt to separate the lad from Miranda, but I believe he might be writing to her in secret. Perhaps I ought to have a little talk with him…

Is there anything you would like to ask the readers?

What do you think is the best way to do away with an evil villain who’s ruined your life, stolen your sister’s innocence, and tried to kill the woman you loved?

Where can we find Jennifer on line?




***Leave a comment giving Garrett some suggestions and for a chance to win a signed copy of A Touch of Scandal. Good Luck 🙂

Championship Round! & Contest!

That oh-so-sexy demon has made it to the championship round in the DA BWAHA tournament and it’s time to vote again!

The championship round will end on Wednesday at 10:00pm (EST). You can vote for Ecstasy Unveiled at this link:


Show a demon some love, folks! Baby demons and demon duckies everywhere are depending on you!

Even Warlock the Wiener Dog wants you to vote 😀

(Photo shamelessly stolen from Raonaid)


Vote for Larissa & Lore leave a comment letting us know and I (Greta) will choose one person to win a copy of Ecstasy Unveiled…

Please Vote and Good Luck!!!!