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    For questions or concerns please contact me at gw12cats03 @ charter.net (without the spaces). Please include the phrase "your blog" in the subject heading.
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    If you are an author and interested in doing a guest interview or commentary, please feel free to contact me at gw12cats03 @ charter.net (without the spaces) or Lillie at lillie80 @ gmail.com (without the spaces). Please include "author interview" in the subject heading.
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    Wastland: the Wanderer

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    Wasteland: the Whore

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    Wasteland: the Breeder

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    Wasteland: the Priestess

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Contest: Starting Friday

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Cyber Party at…

Nalini Singh’s blog. She giving away lots of goodies in celebration of her upcoming release Branded By Fire on July 7, 2009.

Stolen Heat by Elisabeth Naughton coming July 28

What is everyone reading – looking for recommendations?

So what is everyone reading? I’m looking for recommendations. I need some suggestions of authors books who write: Shifters (wolves, cats, dragons), Highlanders or Vikings, time travel books?


Winners: Karen Kelley guest interview


Using List Randomizer at random.org the winners of a copy of Close Encounters of the Sexy Kind by Karen Kelley are:

Barbara Monajem


Natasha A

There were 37 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Barbara Monajem
  2. Natasha A
  3. Ann Marie
  4. Maija P
  5. Lori T
  6. scottsgal
  7. Flygirl
  8. RachaelfromNJ
  9. Frana
  10. Fedora
  11. chey
  12. Bethany
  13. Karen H in NC
  14. Cybercliper
  15. Chris
  16. Heather Brewer
  17. Marial
  18. Suzette
  19. marybethlee
  20. Armenia F
  21. Dottie
  22. Teresa W
  23. Cheryl McInnis
  24. I Heart Book Gossip
  25. Elisa Jankowski
  26. kh
  27. Elaine G
  28. Lyoness 2009
  29. Estella
  30. Terri W
  31. Barb P
  32. Booklover1335
  33. Ilona
  34. Karin
  35. Crystal B
  36. Blodeuedd
  37. Linda Broday

Timestamp: 2009-06-23 23:18:44 UTC

Please e-mail me at gw12cats03 @ charter.net (without the spaces) with your mailing address so I can forward the information on to Karen Kelley. Please include “Karen Kelley Book Winner” in the subject line. Winners will have seven days to contact me or new winners will be drawn.

Kari Thomas is visiting today

Kari, Thank you so much for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

K:  THANKS for the great opportunity! I am a multi-published author in the Paranormal Romance genre. At present I have five books, and I’m working on book #6 now. I live in Arizona and I’m the caregiver for my dad. Between my writing and taking care of dad, I stay BUSY! (grin)  I also do Freelance Editing for a small press publisher, and Book Reviews on my site under “Kari’s Korner Reviews”.

How long have you been writing?

K:  Actually since I was old enough to start writing! My mother was a writer too. And she taught me to read and write before I started school. And being blessed with an over-active imagination just fired the need to create my own stories. Officially, I started writing for publication about five years ago after I joined my local Romance Writers of America branch.

What is your writing process like?

K:  My writer friends shake their heads and say its CRAZY! I’m not disciplined at all. I can’t plot — it takes away my creativity. So, I’m a definite seats-of-the-pantser. I usually write very early morning while dad is at dialysis. On good writing days I can get out a couple thousand words. Then, in the afternoon I edit those pages before I finally allow myself to go online and do Promoting.

Can you tell us a little bit about your books?

K:  GRIN! Don’t get me started!  Seriously, though, they are all Paranormal Romances because it’s my favorite genre and because I absolutely love a hero who can be so sexily Alpha and still be, so incredibly loving, too. And if the “Beast” in him comes out a few times, then it’s all the more sexy!



HUNTED MATE (http://www.blacklyonpublishing.com/ ) has a Cat Shifter as the hero. Logan Cross owes a life debt to Wolf Prince Damien and finds himself assigned with the daunting task of bringing Damien his missing Mate. When he kidnaps her, he thinks he’s got everything under control. But he doesn’t count on having to deal with his feelings or the feisty heroine who is determined she wants him — not Damien!




TEMPTATION UNLEASHED ( http://www.mybookstoreandmore.com/ ) also has a Cat Shifter for the hero but this story is very different from the norm. Aiden Calhoun is the very perfect example of the word ALPHA. Head of his shapeshifting family, his only goal is to protect them when an Evil strikes bringing death to one of his brothers. When the heroine, a witch, comes into his life, Aiden finds himself falling in love with her.




HER HEART HIS SOUL ( http://www.bookstrandpublishing.com/ ) is a darker paranormal, and instead of shifters, the hero is a rare being: he’s half Angel, and half Demon. He fights the battle of both his souls on a daily basis. When he has to protect the woman who holds his entire future in her hands, everything he believes in is called to explain. A battle of Good and Evil is on the horizon and Drake must protect the humans — first. Even if it means losing Sara. And his soul.




SEDUCING THE HERO ( http://www.eternalpress.ca) is actually a Novella length (also available in Print at Amazon) very sensual love story that isn’t entirely paranormal. The heroine is a kitchen witch, and there’s a “touch of magic” throughout the entire story, but the hero is a human male. Colt is an ex-detective-turned-cowboy and he takes on the assignment to protect Baylie from a dangerous stalker. With the help of her “magically blessed” animals, Baylie decides that Colt has to learn to trust love again — and fall in love with her.

PREY FOR THE WOLF (http://www.eternalpress.ca) is also Novella length and will be available in Print when it comes out in the next few months. The hero is a Wolf Shifter, very Alpha, and very determined to make sure his brother doesn’t marry the too-human woman who has come so mysteriously into their lives right when they’re facing danger from their enemies. Poor Kane doesn’t stand a chance of backing away once he meets the heroine. She’s his Lifemate. This one is VERY hot for so short a story (approx 26,000 words).

Do you have any books coming out this year?

 K:  One in the next few months —- PREY FOR THE WOLF. Then, my HER HEART HIS SOUL (already available in Ebook) will be out in Print in late August. I’m in the middle of another book, but I don’t know if I’ll finish it in time to come out this year.

What are you currently working on?

K:  Another Paranormal Romance, of course! This one is one of those books authors call “the-book-of-my-heart”, so it’s probably going to be my longest length. HER HEART HIS SOUL is the longest to date at 83,000 words. This one MIGHT be longer, but I don’t know yet! LOL!

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

K:  (GRIN!) it all comes back to that way-too OVER-active imagination!

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

K: I’m a professed BOOK-A-HOLIC! I own over 3,000 books in my personal library AND I buy more every week!  I love ALL romance genres. And I enjoy reading Non-Fiction as well. Some of my auto buy authors are Christine Feehan, Lora Leigh, Cheyenne McCray, Shannon Leigh, and oh soooo many more!

What books are on your keeper shelf?

K:  “Gone with the Wind” (which I read at age 10!), ALL of the JRR Tolkien “Ring” books (read during my second grade of school and have re-read a thousand times since then!), and there are others but I’d have to go check and that would distract me!

What was the first romance book you read or the first romance book that has stood the test of time?

K: Definitely “Gone with the Wind”. I’m a Southerner and that book was REAL to me!

If one of your books’ was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

K: I’ve been told — many times — that HUNTED MATE would be great for a movie. I do have a Trailer for it (see my site). Hmmm. I’d have to think about who would act in it. The characters are so special, and they’d have to be just perfect for the parts. Too bad the Model (Sean) who is on the book Cover isn’t an actor — he’s so perfect for Logan!

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

K: OH NO! That’s one of those “sneaky” questions, huh! So, I’m going to tease and say I would definitely choose the heroine from the book I’m writing now. She’s got a lot of me in her! (GRIN!)

If you were not writing, what would you be doing?

K: Not-so-quietly going insane! Honest! LOL! My life is so crazy at times I know that if I didn’t have my writing I wouldn’t survive the constant ups and downs. But, if I did have another career choice I think it would be to be an Archeologist.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

K: Sleeping! Okay, that’s not true because I’m an insomniac and have been for years. Being dad’s caregiver pretty much takes up A LOT of time otherwise.

If you could ask readers anyone question, what would it be?

K: Is there any other genre you’d like me to write, or do my Paranormals keep you happy? LOL—that’s sappy isn’t it!

THANKS for having me here! You can visit my site at: http://www.authorkari.com or write me at authorkari@yahoo.com

Please Welcome – Karen Kelley

How To Seduce A Texan

Karen, Thank you so much for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

My life is actually a Cinderella story.  You know, from rags to…wait a minute, where are my riches?  Truthfully, I wouldn’t want to change anything about my life except maybe being able to shop more, having oodles of money, maids to clean my house….

How long have you been writing?

I sold my very first book in 1999 and I wrote for 6 years before I sold.

What is your writing process like?

Like pulling teeth sometimes, and when the words are flowing and the characters are speaking, it’s the most fantastic feeling in the world. 

As far as actually writing, though.  I’m doing something writing related every day.  I don’t think it’s anything that I can turn off.  Even on vacation I’m soaking up descriptions, ideas for new plots etc.

Can you tell us about your newest release How To Seduce A Texan?

I was raised on a small farm so I thought it would be funny if I took a big city reporter and put her undercover supposedly researching a story about pioneer days.  Except the sexy football player in hiding on his brother’s dude ranch discovers her deception and introduces her to the old haunted homestead, the crazy-assed rooster, the outhouse from hell and the stupid cow.  I think I laughed the whole time I was writing How To Seduce A Texan. 

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

How To Seduce A Texan came out this month.  And I’m really excited that my Planet Nerak series is being brought out in mass market starting with Close Encounters of the Sexy Kind in June, Earth Guys Are Easy in July, and The Bad Boys Guide To The Galaxy in Aug.  Then in Dec is the brand new Dating Outside Your DNA.

What are you currently working on?

I’m just finishing the second book about shapeshifting aliens.  The first book will be out in April 2010, The Jaguar Prince.  These books are also connected, but stand-alone.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

Everywhere.  Newspaper articles, a conversation I might overhear, growing up on a farm 🙂

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

Sharon Sala is my all time favorite author.  I love Lori Foster’s books.  PC & Kristin Cast’s YA series.  I’ve just discovered Jennifer Lyon’s book Blood Magic and I devoured it.  She’s definitely an auto buy for me now.  You should see my bedside table.  In fact, everywhere you look in my house you’ll find a stack of books. 

What books are on your keeper shelf?

You know, I have so many I couldn’t list them all. 

What was the first romance book you read or the first romance book that has stood the test of time?

Rosemary Rogers, Sweet Savage Love.  But a lot of the earlier romance authors were so much inspiration. Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, Johanna Lindsey….

If one of your books’ was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

How To Seduce A Texan.  It’s a steamy romantic contemporary comedy.  The hero would have to be rugged.  The heroine feisty and ready to tackle a challenge.  Hmmm, I think I’ll let everyone’s imagination run wild 🙂

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

I don’t think I would switch.  I absolutely love my life and being able to write stories.  I would steal some of their energy, though 🙂

If you were not writing, what would you be doing?

Nursing, probably, since I still have my license.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

Traveling.  My husband and I love the coast, so anywhere near the ocean.  I love watching movies.  Visiting with family.  Shopping.  Tearooms and antiques.

If you could ask readers any one question, what would it be?

I’d ask them who their favorite author was and why? I love hearing other people talk about the authors they love.  Especially if it’s one of mine.  It’s like instant bonding. 

Thanks so much for doing this interview, Greta!  I loved answering the questions.


To find out more about Karen Kelley and her books you can visit her website at http://authorkarenkelley.com/

***Karen has graciously offered up a copy of Close Encounters of the Sexy Kind to two lucky commenters. So leave a comment answering Karen’s question. Good Luck :)***

Winner: Diana Rowland guest interview


Using List Randomizer at random.org the winner of a signed copy of Mark of The Demon by Diana Rowland is:

tami blackroze37

There were 48 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. tami blackroze37
  2. Jacqueline C
  3. Cindy B
  4. Estella
  5. Angie
  6. Elyane
  7. Christine
  8. Book Junkie
  9. Donna S
  10. Heather Brewer
  11. Peter Erio
  12. Chielle
  13. Bree
  14. Amy S
  15. I Heart Book Gossip
  16. Cybercliper
  17. nicholandria
  18. Hockeyvampiress
  19. bridget3420
  20. Jamie
  21. Pam P
  22. Kimberly B
  23. Ilona
  24. Paula
  25. Cathy M
  26. AztecLady
  27. Lexie
  28. delitealex
  29. Teresa W
  30. Pearl
  31. Deb
  32. Frana
  33. Dottie
  34. Lyoness2009
  35. Valorie
  36. chey
  37. Lori T
  38. Terri Q
  39. Barb P
  40. Elisa Jankowski
  41. blodeuedd
  42. Asma
  43. Melissa
  44. Jenni Cavallaro
  45. Chris
  46. BrieaB
  47. RachieG
  48. ann marie

Timestamp: 2009-06-18 02:05:17 UTC

Please e-mail me at gw12cats03 @ charter.net (without the spaces) with your mailing address so we can get the book to you. Please include “Diana Rowland Book Winner” in the subject line. The winner will have seven days to contact me or a new winner will be chosen.

Diana Rowland is visiting today

Mark of the Demon 061509

Diana, Thank you so much for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

I’ve been lucky enough to have had a pretty interesting life, which surprises me at times since it’s not like I set out to have one. I grew up a total science fiction/fantasy nerdgirl, was a total dork in high school, and then went to Georgia Tech where I met all sorts of other nerds, dorks and geeks. Heaven! For a variety of reasons I ended up with a degree in Applied Mathematics (a love of math was NOT one of those reasons,) and since that sort of degree doesn’t provide many useful and marketable skills, I ended up working as a junior data analyst making very little money. At about the same time, the casino industry was just taking off on the Gulf Coast. My (then) husband and I looked at the money that could be made there, and we both made the jump to be dealers. I worked in the casino for close to six years, eventually moving up to Pit Boss, but even though the money was very good, I hated the work. I watched people destroy their lives through gambling, and I felt like a legal crack dealer. When my first marriage came to an unfortunate end, I left the casino and decided to go into a line of work where I hoped I could feel good about what I was doing. I was hired by the sheriff’s department and went to work as a road deputy. A couple of years later I made the move into investigations and became a detective specializing in white collar/computer crimes. During this time I met my (now) husband, and when I found out I was pregnant I transferred over to the crime lab and trained in computer forensics, and later crime scene investigations in general. After seven years in law enforcement I was offered a position with the local coroner’s office that, at the time, was too good to pass up. There I had the chance to work in the morgue as a forensic photographer, and in the process learned a great deal more about death investigations.  However, during this entire time I was still writing–waking up early in the morning to write, writing on my lunch hour, writing before picking my daughter up from day care–and so, when my agent called to tell me that my book had sold, my husband and I decided that time was worth more than money. I quit my job with the coroner, and have been writing full-time ever since.

Oops, you said “a little bit.”  Sorry!

How long have you been writing?

I remember writing a story/poem about little people who lived in puddles (and when it rained, they were in a muddle!) not long after I learned how to write words. Growing up, I used to write stories and scenes constantly. My first “published” story was a piece of Doctor Who fanfic! I continued to write stories all through high school and college, but it really wasn’t until I hit my thirties that I thought seriously about doing it “for real” and trying to sell my scribblings to people who would pay money for them. I attended the Clarion West writers workshop in 1998 and subsequently tried to sell short fiction–because that’s what everyone said you were supposed to do: write short stories, make a name for yourself with that, and then move on to writing novels. But even though I learned a lot during Clarion about structure and style and craft, it took me a long and discouraging time to realize that I didn’t really like writing short stories as much as I liked writing novels–with all of the cool stuff you can do in the longer form. However, my big breakthrough came when a short story of mine (yes, one of the few!) won first prize in the Writers of the Future contest. Part of the prize is free attendance in a week-long writers’ workshop with some of the biggest names in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Participation in that workshop drove home to me that I really did want to write professionally, and when I returned home I started working on a new project. That novel ended up being Mark of the Demon.

What is your writing process like?

I always write out a chapter-by-chapter plot summary before getting started on my books–something that I consider to be essential since I write mysteries and I need that structure to work from in order to seed clues and develop the tension.  Once I have that base in place, then I start what I call word vomit mode! I write 2K-3K words a day until I get to the end. If I hit a sticking point, I don’t stop, but instead leave a note to myself in brackets, e.g. [have them talk about gun here.]  I use that initial plot summary as a guideline, but I also give myself a certain amount of freedom to deviate from it. After I have that first crappy draft finished, I’ll set it aside for a week or two, then I’ll go back through it and fill in all of the stuff in brackets, add descriptions, and do an initial pass to clean up the prose. Once it’s somewhat readable I’ll pass it off to a first reader or my critique group for feedback, and then revise revise revise!

Can you tell us about your newest release Mark of the Demon?

Mark of the Demon is a police procedural. With demons. And sex! My “elevator” pitch is, “Mark of the Demon is about a homicide detective who can summon demons, in pursuit of a serial killer who can also summon demons. Oh, and there’s some hot cop-and-demon lord action.” (Depending on the audience, I’ll sometimes throw in some suggestive gestures and a boom-chica-wow-wow!)

However, I realized that I couldn’t do the gestures/boom-chica bit for the website and other promotional stuff (darn it!,) so I came up with the following:

When Homicide Detective Kara Gillian finds traces of arcane power on a body, she quickly realizes that this is no ordinary murder. The serial killer known as the Symbol Man is a nightmare that Beaulac, Louisiana thought had ended three years ago, but now he’s back for an encore and leaving every indication on the flesh of his victims that he is well-versed in demonic lore.

However, Kara is a Summoner of Demons, and may be the only cop on the city’s small force who can stop the killer. Able to see and interact with a world most people can’t, Kara must draw on her skills as a police officer and master of the arcane to stop the Symbol Man from killing again and possibly summoning something even she can’t control.

But with a demonic lord of unearthly beauty and power haunting her dreams, and a handsome yet disapproving FBI agent dogging her waking footsteps, she may be in way over her head….

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

My next book is titled Blood of the Demon, and is slated for release on January 26, 2010. BotD continues with the same characters, though each book is intended to stand on its own as a mystery. (I use the analogy of a show like Bones or CSI. Same characters, a few continuing story arcs, but the mystery gets solved in one episode/book.)

What are you currently working on?

I’ve started work on the third book which is (very) tentatively titled Promise of the Demon. I’m also working on a proposal for an urban fantasy series about a zombie morgue tech.  Mmmm, brains!

You have worked several interesting jobs, did experiences from those jobs help in writing Mark of the Demon?

Absolutely! I spent nearly ten years working in law enforcement and death investigation, and fortunate enough to work in a variety of divisions during that time. Not only does that background give me a strong base of knowledge to draw on, but I also have access to dozens of people who are more than ready to answer questions for me when I run into something I’m not certain of.

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

J.D. Robb & Charlaine Harris are the ones whose books I’ll pretty much always buy in hardback. Carrie Vaughn writes terrific books, and I’d certainly buy hers in hardback if that was the only option. I love Kim Harrison’s books (though I’m a couple of books behind right now.) Kelley Armstrong, Jenna Black, and Daniel Abraham AKA MLN Hanover are other authors whose books I eagerly wait for. I’m definitely a big fan of urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

Shelf??  I have far more than one!  Let’s see, the Dragonriders of Pern books, the Narnia series, just about anything by Madeline L’engle, Tolkien, all of the Arthur Ransome books… My keeper shelves tend to be occupied by the books I loved growing up. I was horribly shy and awkward as a kid and books were a refuge for me, so there’s a great deal of nostalgia associated with them.

What was the first romance book you read or the first romance book that has stood the test of time?

I read my first romance when I was in college. My roommate had bought a pirate/historical on a whim at the grocery store, and passed it to me–more as a joke than anything. I devoured it and then went looking for more. I read everything by Johanna Lindsey, and quite a few by Jude Devereaux. But one that I’ve kept to this day was a historical set in ancient Britain called Defy the Eagle (by Lynn Bartlett.) I looooooved that book!  More recently, I’ve read every one of the J.D. Robb in Death books (though I don’t think they truly qualify as Romance.)

If Mark of the Demon was made into a movie, which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

Okay, this was a fun one to think about!  For Kara, the homicide detective, I would love to see Felicia Day in the role.  The rest of the cast stumped me a bit, so I went out and solicited input, but I finally came up with: FBI Agent Ryan Kristoff–Eric Dane, FBI Agent Zachary Garner–Ryan Reynolds, and Rhyzkahl, the Demonic Lord, played by either James Marsden or James Marsters. (Still not quite sure about that one.)

If you were not writing, what would you be doing?

You mean besides whining about not being able to write?  Oh, I’d definitely be back in police work–in investigations, preferably. I really enjoyed being a cop, and even though I left the sheriff’s office to go work for the coroner, I think that if I had not sold these books, I would have gone back by now. Even though the pay is crap, there’s a huge amount of satisfaction about the work.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

Spending time with my family is always number one. After that I really enjoy training in martial arts (I have a black belt in hapkido, and I’m currently training in kenpo.) I also like cycling and weight training, but lest anyone think that I’m some sort of athletic jock–because I’m most certainly NOT–I also loooove good food, and since I live so close to New Orleans, the cycling/weight training is a necessity if I want to avoid a coronary. 🙂

If you could ask readers any one question, what would it be?

What do you love best about urban fantasy/paranormal romance?

For more information on Diana Rowland and her books, please visit her website at: http://www.dianarowland.com/.

***Leave a comment answering Diana’s question for a chance to win a copy of Mark of the Demon. Good Luck :)***

Review: Taken By Sin by Jaci Burton

Ever read a book and everything it going exactly as expected and then all of a sudden the author turns everything upside & inside out and the result is far better than you expected. This is exactly what Jaci Burton did with her upcoming release Taken By Sin, the fourth book in her Demon Hunters series, available June 23, 2009. Taken By Sin exceeded all expectations and is not only the best book of the series but one of the best books I have read this year.

The battle between the Realm of the Light & the hunters and the Lords of Darkness continues as Dalton and Isabelle are on the run from both groups. The Realm of Light wants to locate Dalton to find out when he took Isabelle and did not terminate her as instructed. The Lords of Darkness want Isabelle back, because she is their leaders’ queen.

In, Taken By Sin, we get the same action adventure, sexual tension, and burning hot sex scenes, like the previous Demon Hunters books. However, Dalton and Isabelle’s story is more emotional, personal, and passionate in the fight to save themselves and each other.

Dalton is the perfect hero in that he is strong, intelligent, sexy, and has a secret that once revealed completely shocked me. Isabelle is perfect for Dalton she is intelligent, caring, vulnerable, and would give up her own happiness for Dalton.

As I finished reading, Taken By Sin, all I could think of was Jaci Burton out did herself. There is something special about Taken By Sin, it is more than just a story of good verses evil. I came away with the feeling that a true, pure, and self-sacrificing love can overcome anything & everything.

Taken By Sin 061409

to read an excerpt

ISBN-13: 9780440244554

ISBN-10: 0440244552

Publisher: Dell Publishing Company

Date: June 2009

Page Count: 352

Taken By Sin can be pre-ordered at the following links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Borders | Books-A-Million