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Winner – Shelley Munro post


Chosen via random.org the winner their choice of a download copy of any of Shelley’s Middlemarch March books (Scarlet Woman, Peeping Tom, Stray Cat Strut, Assassin, Cat and Mouse, Leticia’s Lovers  is:


Please e-mail me at gw12cats03 @ verizon.net (without the spaces) with your choice.

Winner – Dakota Cassidy post


Chosen via random.org the winner of their choice of two books that Dakota has available for order in Mass Market or Trade Size print is:


Dakota has request that your e-mail her at Dakota @ dakotacassidy .com (without the spaces). Please put in your subject heading "Winner from Greta’s blog"

Contest Alert

Immortal Danger, In life, Maya Black was one tough cop. In death…well, once bitten, twice the bitch. Creatures of the night-be afraid. www.cynthiaeden.com

Please welcome Shelley Munro

Shelley, Thanks for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Thanks for inviting me. It’s good to get out because the writing cave gets a bit cold and lonely at times.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

My name is Shelley Munro, and I write mainly erotic romance for Ellora’s Cave and Samhain Publishing. I live in New Zealand with my husband and a bossy little dog who has trained me to produce food for her at regular intervals. I enjoy cycling, walking, rugby, travel and exploring new countries and of course, reading.

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing seriously since 1998. I’d always wanted to write, but it wasn’t until I woke up one morning and decided if I didn’t begin writing soon, I’d never start or worse would run out of time, that I jumped into action. That week I enrolled in a romance writing course and joined Romance Writers of New Zealand and started my writing journey. I haven’t looked back.

What is your writing process like?

I’m not a writer who plots, that’s for sure. I tend to get a germ of an idea. It might be a character name, a title or a partial scene. I usually think about the idea for a while. It could be days or it might be weeks or months until I come up with strong conflict for my characters. Once my conflict is solid I start writing and go on a journey with the characters, never knowing for sure what will happen next. When I’m not writing I’m usually thinking about what will happen next so I don’t usually run into roadblocks. I write most days and feel really lost when I don’t have a project under way.


Can you tell us about your latest release Leticia’s Lovers?

Leticia’s Lovers is book seven in my Middlemarch Mates series about a community of feline shifters. Leticia’s Lovers follows Leticia Huntingdon who I introduced in Stray Cat Strut. She’s a lion shifter and she and her brother were forced from their South African tribe after Leticia was attacked and infected with FIV, the feline version of aids. The local Middlemarch vet/feline doctor has treated Leticia and she’s been in remission. At the start of the book, she finds the disease has returned and she knows she was right to push Gavin Finlay away because she’s going to die.

Meantime Gavin is trying to hold his life together. He loves Leticia but she’s made it clear she’s not interested in him. He meets Charlie McKenzie, the new Middlemarch cop. The attraction between the two of them is instantaneous and they spend the night together. The next morning Leticia comes to see Gavin to discuss the return of the FIV and finds Gavin and Charlie together. She’s distraught and realizes she loves Gavin and now she’s lost him.

I don’t want to give away too much, but this is a threesome story and there is a happy ending. I cried while I was writing a couple of the scenes in this book so be prepared for an emotional journey in between page one and the end.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

At present I have Tea For Two coming out in print in August from Samhain Publishing. I’ve also recently signed contracts with Ellora’s Cave for two new stories. I don’t have release dates for these yet, but they’re both reissues of older stories.

What are you currently working on?

I’m working on a new Middlemarch Mates story. I have three Middlemarch stories I’d like to write this year and I also have a new series in mind – also a feline shifter series but a bit darker.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

Everywhere! On TV, from songs, magazines and newspapers. Ideas are one thing that’s never in short supply.

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I’ve always loved reading and I have lots of favorite authors. If pressed I’d have to say Lora Leigh, Erin McCarthy, Robyn Carr and Kristen Higgins are my particular favorites at the moment. In the ebook world I enjoy Lorelei James, Samantha Kane, Ally Blue, Jory Strong and Josh Lanyon.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

I have a lot of books on my keeper shelf. Christine Feehan, Robyn Carr, JD Robb and Amanda Quick are four I can think of offhand but there are heaps of others as well. My keeper shelf tends to be electronic these days because I buy more ebooks than paperbacks.  

Do you read books other than romance books?

Sometimes I swap genres and will read a thriller or mystery. I like cozy mysteries as well, although I prefer a romantic thread in anything I read.

What was the first romance book you read?

You know I can’t remember. I know I was spending time at the beach and I’d run out of books. I was about twelve or thirteen and in desperation, my mother gave me some Mills & Boon romances to read, more to keep her sanity than anything. They were pretty tame in those days. Times have changed!!

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

This is something I’ve never considered. Hmm, it would have to be my Middlemarch series so that means Scarlet Woman first. The male actors need to be tall and dark, preferably with green eyes. LOL Maybe I’ll go for unknowns and make them famous. Kate Winslet might make a good Emily.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would it be & why?

I have a real soft spot for Emily Mitchell. She makes an appearance in Scarlet Woman, book one of the Middlemarch Mates series and usually pops in to say hello in any Middlemarch book I write. She was the first woman to tame a Middlemarch man and she’s made them into a real family. Emily is all about family.

Do you have a day job?

These days I write full time but I used to work in the accountancy field. My last job before I started to write full time was as administration for the local McDonald’s franchisee.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

I think most writers are keen people-watchers. I sure am. Whenever I go out I watch people and catalogue their body language and the way they speak or move. I never base my characters on actual people I know but they might have bits and pieces of people I’ve observed over the years.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

A few years ago my husband suggested we buy a bicycle each because there are loads of walking/cycle paths around where we live. Quite frankly I thought he was mad but I allowed him to convince me to get a bicycle. I was surprised to find how much I enjoy cycling and I go out most days. I also enjoy walking and my husband and I love to travel. We’ve explored quite a few parts of the world, and you can see photos of some of the places I’ve visited on my website.

If you could ask readers anyone question, what would it be?

I’m always interested in trends. Are there genres you enjoy reading that you’re not able to find readily? Are there genres you think I should be writing? Are there some genres that you’d like to see vanish from the shelves?


To find out more about Shelley, please visit her website: http://www.shelleymunro.com/

***Leave a comment for a chance to win a download e-book from Shelley Winner’s choice – of her Middlemarch Mates***

My guest today is Dakota Cassidy


Dakota, Thanks for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Aw, thank you, darlin’! It’s a pleasure to be asked.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

Well, let’s see-I’m forty two, a single parent of two boys (18 and 14). I live in TX, and I like cuddly kitties, long walks on the beach and fireside chats. No, I’m kidding. Well, not about the cats 🙂

How long have you been writing?

About five years now.

What is your writing process like?

Crazy. There’s nothing left to be said after that. LOL. No, seriously, I get an idea-my “what if” ideas, and usually those ideas are extreme, and then I call my BFF Renee George and she helps me plot out the “what if”.

Can you tell us about your latest release The Accidental Human?

This is the third in my Accidental series and it revolves around Wanda Schwartz. Kind of OCD, very together, and the sanest of the three friends in the series. And she’s dying.

I know!

But she has two friends who’re paranormal and can save her, but she’s too afraid to take fate into her own hands.  Plus a love interest who came to her by way of her job as a sales recruit for my fictional cosmetic company Bobbie-Sue. His name’s Heath, and he wants to sell makeup.

Again, I know!

Heath has a secret, too, and all I can tell you is this-while the title has the word “human” in it-it’s STILL paranormal 🙂

Will you have any more books in this series?

I have another coming out in Feb 2010, and that’s about Wanda’s sister Casey. It’s titled Accidentally Demonic.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

Yep! Kiss and Hell is due out in June, and that’s about a medium and a demon who’s come to collect her and bring her back to Hell 🙂

What are you currently working on?

Right now I’m working on Accidentally Demonic.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

Bed, Bath and Beyond. Really-get ye to one and find out what’s “beyond”. LOl. I honestly don’t know where they come from-they just happen because I’m always wondering what the lighter side of a bad situation is.

In your opinion, what are the most stressful and most exciting parts of the whole process? (From the time an idea or concept comes to you until the book can purchased in a store or on-line?)

The most stressful is whether my agent and editor will like the crazy I’ve cooked up. The most exciting is the middle of the book when I really know where I’m going and I just want to get it all out on paper. Then it gets stressful again because it’s due for release and I want to yark, worrying everyone will hate it. So, wash, rinse, repeat 🙂

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

Unfortunately, I don’t get to read as often as I’d like to because this writing thing consumes much of my time. However, when I do, I’m all about a Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Nina Bangs, Michele Bardsely, Mark Henry, Jeanne Stein, Renee George AKA Hannah Beckham, Jaye Wells, Toni McGee Causey. And these folks are ALL auto-buy for me.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

I know this is going to sound horrifying, but I only have one and it’s a signed copy of a Nina Bangs book. Clutter makes me nuts-so I share the wealth with friends and family-or the library.

Do you read books other than romance books?

Definitely. Dean and Stephen to name just two.

What was the first romance book you read?

It was an HQ, way back in the day when the books were all based in England and the women were all nannies to rich Sultans and stuff. LOL. The author was Charlotte Lamb, though I can’t remember the title of the book.

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

I’d love to be Nina in Accidentally Dead, and I’d want like John Cusack or maybe the guy who plays ‘Chuck” to be Greg and either Megan Fox or Sandra Bullock to play Nina.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

Definitely Nina. She’s got the biggest, freshest mouth, and she seriously doesn’t care who she offends when she speaks the truth. I LOVE that in a girl-so yeah, I’d like to be her.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

Oh, hellz yeah. But mostly it’s just bits and pieces of several people. I was always an observer. I love, love to people watch-which can make me creepy to some, I guess. LOL. But it’s where I get my grasp on so many outlandish traits.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

Sleeping. I don’t do that a lot 🙂 But if I’m not sleeping, I love to hangout with my man, catch a movie, garden, swim and play Guitar Hero World Tour. Go on. Laugh. It’s pathetic, but true. LOL

If you could ask readers anyone question, what would it be?

Can I borrow some money? LOLLOL. I’m kidding. I like to know all about readers-whether they read me or not. I like to know the day-to-day things about their lives, where they live, what they cook for dinner. Which makes me again, seem rather stalker-ish, eh? I just love people and enjoy interaction-especially people who read romance novels because they’re diverse and have big imaginations.

You can visit Dakota at her website: http://www.dakotacassidy.com/

***UPDATED: Dakota has graciously offered up to one commenter two print books–winners choice, as long as they’re available or available for pre-order and in m/m or Trade***

Blog Awards

I was recently awarded two blog awards:

The first

The Premio Dardas Award


from Dani at http://confessionsofaromancebookaddict.wordpress.com

Thank you Dani. I read Dani’s blog daily. I love finding out what she is reading and I find to me authors from her.

So now to spread the love!

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award. (I’ll be contacting everyone later in the week. I’m on my laptop and don’t have access to all of e-mail addresses yet.)

Brandy – http://brenaereads.blogspot.com/

Lea – http://lea-closetwriter.blogspot.com/

Fatin – http://novelthoughts.wordpress.com

Cynthia Eden – http://www.cynthiaeden.com/blog/

Dakota Cassidy – http://www.dakotacassidy.net/

Hooked on Romance (Jax Cassidy, Naughty Nikki Duncan, & Abi McKenley) – http://hookedonromance.blogspot.com/

Jaci Burton – http://jaciburton.com/blog/

Jambrea – http://jambrea.wordpress.com

Jennifer A. Ray – http://blog.jenaray.com/

Wendy K. – http://mybookaddictionandmore.wordpress.com

Naughty Nikki Duncan – http://nikkiduncan.com/blog/

Amy C – http://romancebookwyrm.blogspot.com

Shape Shifter Romance – http://shapeshifterromance.wordpress.com/

Lauren Dane – http://www.laurendane.com/blog/

Shiloh Walker – http://shilohwalker.wordpress.com/

Second Award

Your Blog is Fabulous


I received this award from Brandy of  http://brenaereads.blogspot.com/

I read Brandy’s blog daily she and I usually agree on our reviews and I’m always finding new to me authors on her blog.

So now to spread the love:

Rules are: Write 5 things I am addicted to and then nominate 5 other blogs to pass this award on to! (Again I will e-mail the individuals later this week)

5 things I’m addicted to:

1. Romance Books – was there any question?

2. Coffee & Diet Coke – I must have Coffee & Diet Coke every day

3. My internet families over at Writeminded Readers Group, Wicked Writers Yahoo Group, and Romance Reading Ladies

4. NASCAR – especially Matt Kenseth

5. My family and my cats as crazy as they are

Now for my five blogs:

Amy C – http://romancebookwyrm.blogspot.com

Wendy K. – http://mybookaddictionandmore.wordpress.com

Jambrea – http://jambrea.wordpress.com

Lea – http://lea-closetwriter.blogspot.com/

Hooked on Romance (Jax Cassidy, Naughty Nikki Duncan, & Abi McKenley) – http://hookedonromance.blogspot.com/  

Winner – M.J. Fredrick post


Chosen via random.org the winner of a print copy of Hot Shot by M.J. Fredrick is:


Please contact me at gw12cats03 @ verizon. net (without the spaces) we can get your book to you.

Please Welcome M.J. Fredrick


M.J., Thanks for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

I’m a native Texan, and have lived in San Antonio all my life, except for when I was a baby and Dad was in the Air Force. I’ve taught in the same school district my whole career (20 years). I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 22 years (had to stop and do the math!) We have one son, who’s a senior in high school. As you can tell, I’m not too adventurous in my own life, so I live it out in my books.

How long have you been writing?

I used to write in elementary school. My first “romance” was written the summer after fifth grade, after I’d seen Grease four times. In high school, my friend Kirsten and I wrote serialized stories starring guys from music videos, anyone from Adam Ant to the Ramones to the Rolling Stones. Those were a lot of fun-I wish I’d kept them.

After I graduated college, I bought a word processor and started writing a story set in Ireland. My step-dad gave me an old XT and I used that until 1997, and I wrote my first book, 600 pages, on that. Mira actually requested that story at the time, believe it or not, and I plan to rework it someday.

I discovered the internet, discovered San Antonio Romance Authors, and was on my way.

So, I’ve been writing something like fourteen years. I’ve completed 23 manuscripts, I think.

What is your writing process like?

Sometimes the idea comes first, sometimes the characters. A lot of times characters come to me fully formed. I don’t always know why they’re the way they are until I’ve spent some time with them and put them in some situations, but I can usually say, “No, he’d never do that,” or “She’d never say that,” with some certainty. I’m an organic writer, which is a pain, because I invariably have to rewrite endings. I never get them right the first time. Hot Shot’s had about five different endings.

Can you tell us about your latest release Hot Shot?

Hot Shot is a pure labor of love. I started writing it in 2000, when the Colorado wildfires were so bad. Cindi Myers, who was in SARA at the time, had moved to Colorado and talked about the heroic firefighters, and Gabe was born. Peyton wasn’t always a reporter-at first she worked for a congressman assessing the damage-but I knew she could never get on the fireline like that, so I changed her. Also, in the beginning I wanted Hot Shot to be kind of like Hanover Street, the movie with Harrison Ford, where he’s a daredevil until he finds love. Editors didn’t like that, though, saying it was unheroic, so it changed. Now he’s very very heroic.

The story takes place in the mountains of Montana during the fire season. Peyton Michaels is a reporter writing about heroic jobs, and Gabe doesn’t want to be seen as a hero, and he resents having a reporter on his crew. She comes in handy when they rescue a group of Girl Scouts. He develops a grudging respect for her when they end up alone on the mountain, running for their lives and she learns how to become one of the people she writes about.

Hot Shot was my first Golden Heart final, my first contest win, my first revision call from an editor, and is very much the book of my heart.

What are you currently working on?

I’m writing my first western historical, set in Texas before it gained its independence from Mexico. The heroine is loosely based on Jane Long, who was left alone in a fort near Galveston with only her servant and her children. She learned to defend herself over that cold winter. My class was learning about her and in my mind, I could see a rider approaching her fort on horseback, then falling out of the saddle. I came up with the idea the last week in October, wrote 50000 words in November for NaNoWriMo, and of course, wrote the wrong ending, so I’m rewriting it.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

Everywhere! I’ve gotten a couple from dreams, from stories we read in class, articles I see on the internet….everywhere. I wish I had all the time to write all the ideas in my head!

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I read mostly contemporary romance. I enjoy historical and paranormal, but my biggest TBR collection is contemporary. I adore Nora Roberts, Jennifer Crusie, Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Suzanne Brockmann. I just discovered Lisa Kleypas (Blue Eyed Devil is an AMAZING book.) I automatically buy books from Karen Templeton, Virginia Kantra, Trish Milburn, Lee McKenzie, Robyn Carr, CJ Lyons and Larissa Ione.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

Nora’s Born in series, her Chesapeake Bay series, her Dream series, Carnal Innocence, Divine Evil, Virginia Kantra’s Intimate Moments books, Trish Milburn’s Firefighter in the Family, Lee McKenzie’s A Man for Maggie, Virgin River, Blue Eyed Devil, Heartbreaker by Karen Robards, Agnes and the Hitman, Suzanne Brockmann’s Into the Fire….all I can remember off-hand.

What was the first romance book you read?

Dark of the Moon by Karen Robards. I was on a serious Irish kick and was reading anything I could get my hands on. I belonged to Doubleday Book Club and saw this was set in Ireland. I glommed it, read everything else she’d written, and moved on from there. Hard to believe at one time I DIDN’T have a TBR!

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

Hot Shot, absolutely, with George Clooney and Maria Bello. I based my characters on them after watching them together on ER. They had some chemistry!

Do you have a day job?

I’m a 4th grade teacher. I like teaching elementary, and the kids are old enough to work on their own. They think it’s pretty cool that I’m published. So does my boss!

Does your work inspire story ideas?

Actually, yes. Two of the passages we’ve read to get ready for the TAKS test have given me ideas. One was about a bull-dogger, Bill Pickett, which gave me the idea for my novella, Bull by the Horns, from The Wild Rose Press, and another for a yet-unwritten-historical. Then the Jane Long lesson gave me the idea for the historical I’m working on.

You can find out more about M.J. Fredrick at her website:  http://www.mjfredrick.com/

***Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Hot Shot***

Winner – Larissa Ione post


Chosen via random.org the winner of Desire Unchained by Larissa is:


Please e-mail me at gw12cats03 @ verizon.net (without the spaces) so we can get your book to you.

Larissa Ione is visiting today



Larissa, Thanks for agreeing to be a guest on my blog. Thank you for having me!

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

Well, I’m a full-time writer and stay-at-home mom, an animal lover to the extreme, and a Coast Guard wife.  I started writing as a kid, but didn’t get serious until a few years ago, when I got out of the Air Force and was working in weather stations where I was all by myself, and during good weather, bored.  I decided to use the good weather shifts effectively, and I got back into writing.  I sold my first story to Red Sage in 2006, followed by a sale to Bantam Dell (with Sydney Croft writing partner Stephanie Tyler,) and then a sale to Samhain and finally, Warner Books, which is now Grand Central Publishing.

How long have you been writing?

Since I could hold a crayon!  Seriously, I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing stories.  I started out writing Jack London-ish tales of wolves in the wilderness (completing my first full-length novel at the age of 13,) and then graduated to horror stories when I made a leap to Stephen King.

What is your writing process like?

It’s hard to nail down, mainly because I write every book with a different process.  Some books start with the character, some with a plot.  Some books I plot heavily, others I wing.  I’m really hoping that one of these days I get a process figured out!

Can you tell us about your latest release Desire Unchained?

Well, it’s the second book in the Demonica series, which is set in and around an underworld hospital.  Here’s the blurb from the back of the book:

Runa Wagner never meant to fall in love with the sexy stranger who seemed to know her every deepest desire. But she couldn’t resist the unbelievable passion that burned between them, a passion that died when she discovered his betrayal and found herself forever changed. Now, determined to make Shade pay for the transformation that haunts her, Runa searches for him, only to be taken prisoner by his darkest enemy.

A Seminus demon with a love-curse that threatens him with eternal torment, Shade hoped he’d seen the last of Runa and her irresistible charm. But when he wakes up in a dank dungeon chained next to an enraged and mysteriously powerful Runa, he realizes that her effect on him is more dangerous than ever. As their captor casts a spell that bonds them as lifemates, Shade and Runa must fight for their lives and their hearts-or succumb to a madman’s evil plans.

 Will you have any more books in this series?

Passion Unleashed, which is Wraith’s book, releases next month.  After that, there will be at least two more full-length books, and maybe a short story or two.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

Passion Unleashed, and Taming The Fire, which is a Sydney Croft title, and will release May 1.

What are you currently working on?

I JUST turned in Demonica book 4 and ACRO (Sydney Croft) book 5, so now I’m working on the proposal for ACRO book 6 and a short story for the Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2: Love Bites.

Where do you get your ideas for your books? 

Everywhere!  Sometimes they come from real life – from the news, for example.  And other times, I get them while watching TV or movies.  The Demonica series, for example, came from the TV show Angel, when the lead character, Angel, was injured and needed medical care.  As a trained EMT, I have a fascination with emergency medicine, and I also have a love of the paranormal, so I instantly made the connection…vampire in need of medical care…ooh!  There needs to be an underworld hospital!  A place run by demons, vamps, and werewolves, where other creatures of the night can go for care.  And the Demonica series was born!

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I read everything I can get my hands on!  But my favorite reads, in addition to romance, include a lot of fantasy and historical fiction.  I’ll buy anything Robert Jordan has written, as well as Sharon Kay Penman, and George R. Martin.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

Oh, geez, my keeper shelves are bowing from the weight!  Pretty much every book from the authors already mentioned, and my newest additions include Acheron, by Sherrilyn Kenyon, House of Dark Delights, by Louisa Burton, and World Without End, by Ken Follett.

Do you read books other than romance books?

Absolutely.  Romance books do make up about 75% of my reading, but I read widely.  I find, though, that while I’m writing, I NEED to read romance, otherwise my writing veers toward straight fiction and I lose the romance.  Probably has something to do with my horror and fantasy roots!

What was the first romance book you read?  

My first was a historical…I can remember the plot vividly, but for some reason, the author escapes me!  Grr.  Because I’d LOVE to read that book again!  But the very first contemporary was Mackenzie’s Mission, by Linda Howard, and that cemented my love of romance.

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would you like to see as the lead characters?

Ooh, that’s a tough one. I’ll have to go with Pleasure Unbound, tho.  As far as actors…hmm.  Maybe Summer Glau as Tayla and Oded Fehr or as Eidolon.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

Either Tayla from Pleasure Unbound – because how fun would it be to kick demon ass and then come home to a sexy incubus doctor?  Or maybe Kira from Unleashing The Storm, the second Sydney Croft novel.  I’m a huge animal lover, and she can communicate with animals, and I think I’d love that.  Plus, she gets to sleep with Ender. *drools*

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

I’m a big movie buff, so I love to watch movies.  I also enjoy bowling, horseback riding, and computer games of the Dungeons and Dragons variety.

If you could ask readers any one question, what would it be?

When you are at the bookstore, not looking for anything specific but just seeing what catches your eye…are you drawn to fat, meaty-looking reads, or do the thinner, shorter novels appeal to you?  Personally, for me, the fatter the better in most cases, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t read some great shorter books!

***Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Desire Unchained *** 

You can find out more about Larissa and her books at: http://www.larissaione.com