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Please Welcome Jordan Summers


Jordan, Thank you so much for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Thank you for having me, Greta. Nice to be here.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

I think this question is one of the hardest to answer because I never know what to say. As my short bio mentions, I used to be a flight attendant (or sky goddess as we preferred to be called). I flew for fourteen years before hanging up my wings and delving into full-time writing. As an aside, I tried to pet a lion at the zoo when I was six. Almost made it, too. Got in trouble. Still disappointed I didn’t succeed.

How long have you been writing?

 Like a lot of writers, I began writing in high school. I took classes on and off over the years, but didn’t seriously return to writing until 2000/2001. I absolutely believe that your writing doesn’t take shape until you make the conscious decision to take the craft seriously.

What is your writing process like?

My writing process has changed over the years. I started out as a panster, but moved to a half plot/half seat of the pants writing style. I now create a loose and VERY general outline before I delve past the first chapter of a new book. When I’m writing, I work six days a week, every week until the book is finished. If I take more than a day off, I lose momentum.

Can you tell us about your newest release Scarlet?

Scarlet is the second book in my Dead World series and picks up where Red left off. Only a few weeks have past. My heroine, Red is trying to acclimate to her new life with Morgan Hunter in the town of Nuria. She’s left her job at the International Police Tactical Team and is more than a little lost without it. Unfortunately for her, events and people conspire against her to make sure she doesn’t succeed. If that fails, they’re not above framing her for murder. The romance that began in book one, RED also continues, but there are bumps in the road as the past comes back to haunt the couple’s future.

Are there plans for other books in the Dead World series (Red, Scarlet, & Crimson)?

At present, there are no plans to write more Dead World books after Crimson is released. Obviously that might change if the series does well. 🙂

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

I’ve written a novella called ‘Paris After Dark’ that will be included in the Mammoth Book of Vampire Romances 2, which comes out September 2009.

What are you currently working on?

I currently have an urban fantasy making the rounds in New York. Hopefully, it’ll find a home.

You write in several romantic sub-genre’s (supernatural, urban fantasy, contemporary/suspense, erotic romance). Which sub-genre is easier for you to write in?

 LOL! I don’t think ANY writing is easy. It doesn’t matter what subgenre you’re playing in. As to my preferences, I favor urban fantasy (adult and YA) and supernatural romances with a strong helping of suspense. Although I’ve written several erotic romances, I do not find them easy to write.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

I get my ideas everywhere. There is no set place. Some of my favorite ideas have come from rewriting movies in my head because I don’t like how they turned out onscreen. I’ve also gotten several story ideas from reading science articles. I’m addicted to Popular Science and Scientific American. Fascinating stuff.

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I am an avid reader. Buying books beats clothes shopping ANY day. I enjoy reading a lot of different genres from science fiction to thrillers. I’m particularly fond of action/adventures (like Matthew Reilly), urban fantasies, YA, suspense, and historical romances. My auto-buy list has changed over the years. Right now, my auto-buy authors are: Patricia Briggs, Lora Leigh, Christine Warren, Simon Green, Stephanie Laurens, and Karen Chance.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

It would be easier for me to list which authors are on my keeper shelf. I currently have Virginia Henley, Dara Joy, Stephanie Laurens, Christine Warren, Lora Leigh, Angela Knight, Patricia Briggs, Lynn Viehl, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Johanna Lindsey, and Susan Johnson. (Virginia, Kathleen, Johanna and Susan have been on there for a very long time.)

What was the first romance book you read or the first romance book that has stood the test of time?

The first book I read that I thought was a romance was a book called Ghost Fox. Turned out it wasn’t a romance, but it did have romantic elements. It was followed by Kathleen Woodiwiss’ Shanna. With that book, I fell in love with the romance genre and bought everything I could get my hands on. Rose in Winter is still one of my favorite all time romance novels.

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

Thus far, I’d have to say RED. Although I do have a book that hasn’t sold yet that I think would make a fun and scary movie. As for actors, I think Hugh Jackman or Daniel Craig for Morgan Hunter and Angelina Jolie for Red. She has the right acting chops and can pull off the attitude.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would it be & why?

I wouldn’t. I’ve found my better half in this life. No need to live someone else’s life.

If you were not writing, what would you be doing?

I’d probably go back to school to finish my degree. I really like school. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to watch movies and cook.

If you could ask readers any one question, what would it be?

I actually have a couple of questions to ask. The first would really only apply if you’re familiar with my work. I’m curious how readers would classify me as a writer (ie do they see me as an urban fantasy writer, a paranormal romance writer, an action/adventure writer, an erotic romance author, etc.)? The second question goes out to all readers. What book have you been dying to read that hasn’t been written yet?

Greta, thank you again for allowing me to play on your blog. It’s been a pleasure.

For more information on Jordan Summers and her books you can visit her website at: http://www.jordansummers.com/

***Leave a comment answering Jordan’s questions for a chance to win a copy of RED the first book in her Dead World series. Good Luck 🙂