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My guest today is Shiloh Walker


Shiloh, Thank you so much for agreeing to a guest interview today.

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

Nothing terribly fascinating…I’m married to my high school sweetheart.  We have three kids.  I love to read.  I love taking pictures.  And I like to write…*G*

How long have you been writing?

I remember writing in sixth grade.  My mom says it was earlier.

What is your writing process like?

‘Process’ implies I’m organized…and I’m not.  I get an idea, fiddle with it, and if it works, it works.  If not, I set it aside.  I don’t plot out very well, but I’m trying to teach myself.  Seems to save time.

Can you tell us about your newest release Chains?

It’s erotic romance, three inter-connected stories based in small town Ohio.  The blurb sums it up pretty well…

They weren’t friends. They weren’t enemies. The only thing the three girls had in common was the high school they went to in Madison, Ohio—until one tragic night. Now, fifteen years later, they’re returning home where passion—and danger—await…

Renee Lincoln was the homecoming queen—with the perfect boyfriend and the perfect life. After that horrible night, she rebelled the only way she knew how: by submitting to her wildest fantasies…

Tall, blonde, and athletic, Lacey Talbot was a golden girl with a bright future. She’s found success as a photographer, but no man has ever been able to satisfy her. No man but the bad boy she left behind…

Sherra Salinger has always looked like a princess out of some fairy tale. The books she writes, though, stem from the nightmare of that one night. And she shrinks from any man’s attention—especially the one stalking her…

They’re coming back to Madison—and it won’t be happy reunion. There are three men, all dangerous in a different way. And when each of them surrender their bodies to the heat, when they succumb to desire, they’ll find the safety they desperately need…

Basically the story centers around an event that took place when they were still in high school.  A couple of guys tried to rape Sherra and Lacey and Renee intervened.  It ended up having an impact on all of their lives and fifteen years later, they are still struggling to deal with it.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

I’ll have a couple of ebooks out from Samhain Publishing and one more print book due out from Berkley at the end of the year, Hunter’s Need, which features Duke and Ana.  Both characters were introduced in Hunting the Hunter.

What are you currently working on?

Shattered-the follow up to FRAGILE.

You write in books in several romance sub-genre’s (contemporary, erotica, paranormal) which is easiest for you?

Paranormal.  For some reason, my brain just flows that way.

You’ve written short-stories, novella’s and novels, which is easier for you to write?

That just depends on each individual story.  The story more or less is going to be a set length, and if I try to make it otherwise, that is what makes it hard.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

Uh….lol….I have absolutely no idea.  Sometimes from dreams.  Sometimes an idea just bursts into my head.  Other times, I sit and focus on trying to ‘make’ an idea.

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I like romance.  I like fantasy.  I love a good urban fantasy.  My auto buys are Lynn Viehl/SL Viehl, Nora Roberts/JD Robb, Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, Lora Leigh’s Breeds.  There are more though…just can’t think of all of them.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

Anything and everything written by Lynn Viehl/SL Viehl, JD Robb, Ilona Andrews, and Lora Leigh’s Breeds.

What was the first romance book you read or the first romance book that has stood the test of time for you?

I think the first romance I read was The Wanton by Rosemary Rogers. One of my dihard ‘comfort’ reads is Nora Robert’s True Illusions. 

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

I really don’t know.  The Missing might translate well to film.  I think Halle Berry is gorgeous and would make an excellent Taige.  Maybe Matthew McConaugheyfor Cullen, since I get to choose.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

Not a one of them.  I love my life.  Switching with anybody for any reason would mean giving up the life I have and there’s no way I’d do that.

If you were not a writer, what would you be doing?

Nursing.  Should there ever be a need, I’m already prepared to go back to school, maybe try to become a nurse practioner.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

I love being with my kids.  Taking taekwondo.  Taking pictures.  Going to wineries with my husband.

If you could ask readers anyone question, what would it be?

What are you reading?

***Leave a comment answering Shiloh’s question for a chance to win a book from Shiloh’s backlist. Good Luck***

For more information on Shiloh and her books you can visit her website at http://www.shilohwalker.com/