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Melissa Mayhue wants to know “Why Time Travel?”

First off, my thanks to Greta for the invitation to visit with you guys again.  Thank you so much! 

It’s been an exciting month with the release of   A HIGHLANDER’S DESTINY on December 29 and then A HIGHLANDER’S HOMECOMING on January 26.  These two are especially fun for me to have coming out back to back because, although they are both stand-alones which could be read all by themselves,  HOMECOMING picks up where DESTINY leaves off, following different characters and viewing the action through a different set of eyes.

Also, while DESTINY is based in a contemporary setting, HOMECOMING is a time-travel to medieval Scotland.  Which started me thinking…

Why do I write time travel romances?

Unlike so many questions about my writing, this is an easy one!  And it actually has TWO answers and they’re both selfish!!

Unlike so many questions about my writing, this is an easy one!  And it actually has TWO answers and they’re both selfish!!

1 ~ I write time travel romance because I love to read it!  I’ve been a readers for many more years than I’ve been a writer and time travel was always one of my favorites.  I love the touch of paranormal, the idea of someone completely out of their element rising to the occasion, and, of course, finding that perfect love leading to a Happy Ever After!

2 ~ Time travel gives me the freedom to write both contemporary and historical settings.  Using both allows me to stay true to my vision of the world I’m creating in the Daughters of the Glen series.   It’s almost like writing two closely connected series!

What about you guys?  What is there about Time-Travel romance that appeals to you?

MELISSA MAYHUE writes award-winning paranormal romance for Pocket Books, all set in an imaginary world of Faeries and Mortals. Her fifth book, A HIGHLANDER’s DESTINY hit stores on December 29 and her sixth, A HIGHLANDER’S HOMECOMING, is available on January 26, 2010.

You can visit her on the web at: www.MelissaMayhue.com or come Twitter with her at www.Twitter.com/MelissaMayhue

***Leave a comment answering Melissa’s question for a chance to win an autographed book from Melissa’s backlist. Good Luck 🙂

23 Responses

  1. I love time travel romances too, because I would have loved to live in another time. And cos of that I do wanna read about it too 😀

  2. I love reading time travels because I can go back in time and visit a different time and place in our world. I would love to travel back in time to visit a few places myself! Just to visit mind you not to stay.

  3. I like time travel romance because I enjoy the play between the characters. One from the future(now) and the past. The interactions and how characters deal with things in the past or future are interesting. I think it would be horrible to have to use a bathroom or chamber pot from in the past. Many other things I would miss too. It is neat seeing how characters cope with the loss or the gain of technology and other things they aren’t used to.

  4. I like time travels. I like to see how people from one era cope with another era.

  5. I like time travel because I like both historicals and contemporary books. And I’ve sometimes thought about how it would have been to live back then….

  6. I think it is appealing because it is something new for me. I have never read a time travel romance before.

  7. I like time travel because I get to experience different periods of history or the future.

  8. Its fun, because you get to go back in time (or foward) along with the characters. You get to be taken away from present times and transported somewhere else for a little while. And the romance involved is always pretty awesome 🙂

  9. Love is always love no matter what period of time your in; that is what I love about time-travel romances.

  10. I don’t believe I have ever read a time traveling romance. They do sound like a really good time though. I love a story that takes you some place you have never been.

  11. I like the idea of being in two time spots in one book and I also must say your books sound and looks good. I hope to be entered in the contest here..come on tempt me to get into this genre more. I need some changes in my life. susan L.

  12. What appeals to me is enjoying the journey the characters go through as they experience differences from each time period. How the hero or heroine deals with the customs of the current time they find themselves in is quite intriguing for me.

  13. Depends on how the author pulls it off and exact time periods they had chosen. If it is one that I am interested in like with the celts and such I’d enjoy it.

  14. I love time travel novels because I want to feel what it would have been like to live in the past or possibly be like to live in the future. They are a great escape from my own life and times.

  15. I like time travel because it’s interesting to see how people react to a new environment (place and time).

  16. Hi Melissa 🙂
    I love reading books with time travel element, because that combines two genres I really like – I like historicals not as much as other genres… on the other hand I really love paranormal elements and therefore time travel is the perfect combination!! and it seems to me there are not as many tt books as I would like to read…
    I’ve recenlty started to read “30 nights with a highland husband” and I’m totally hooked!! Cate and Connor are both very interesting protas and I can’t wait to read more!
    wish you all the best,

  17. In time travel there’s always conflict between the traditions and values of each time period. It’s interesting to watch how those things – not to mention language barriers and gender roles are overcome by all involved. Congrats on the release!

  18. Thanks, Ina. I’m glad you’re enjoying Thirty Nights! It looks like most of us like time travel for the same reasons – great characters in a setting that gives them extra problems to overcome and a wonderful story that we can get lost in!

    ~ Melissa

  19. Congratulations on your releases!
    It is fun to read about the characters that are taken out of their own time period, be it the past, present or future and see how they deal with the situation! How would a modern man fare against Regency bucks, or a Viking warrior in modern New York? :o)

  20. Two of my favorite genres in one! Time travel books are some of my most favorites books.

  21. I had never read a time travel book until I read Outlander. Funny how most are set in Scotland. I think the appeal to me especially when the heroine travels back in time is adapting to what was previous history as her new reality and falling in love with a man that is so different to contemporary heroes.

    I’ve had a thing for highlanders ever since Jamie Fraser became my # 1 hero and reading time travel romance novels lets me imagine what it would be like to be the heroine.

    Thanks for your books!

  22. I read to escape, and time travel is a heckuva great escape!

  23. I enjoy time travel partly for the information about living in certain ages. And it’s very interesting to see how a romance plays out in different times. I don’t know that I would ever choose to time travel if it were possible. I always said I wasn’t made to live in the olden days when things were so much harder than they are today. I would certainly miss my microwave and computer.

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