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Please welcome Jory Strong


Hi Jory, Thank you for agreeing to be a guest on my blog.

Thanks for asking me!

Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

I’m married. We live out in the middle of nowhere (3 miles to our nearest neighbor) in rough country complete with rattlesnakes, coyotes, and the occasional golden eagle. We’ve got dogs, cats, parrots, and horses.

How long have you been writing?

All my life, though sporadically until about fifteen years ago when I got serious about it.

What is your writing process like?

It varies with each book. I used to be a total pantster. Now I spend a lot of time in pre-planning before I actually start a story. I don’t plot all the way through unless I’m working on a shorter story, a “Quickie” or “Novella.” I have daily word counts I try to meet, though that’s flexible. As long as I make my weekly goal, I’m happy. On the best days, I’m finished writing by early afternoon. Other days I’m not, though I still try to break away to ride one of my horses then walk dogs, then return to the writing.

I’d like to say writing is pure joy and inspiration for me, but most of the time it’s not, it’s hard work. I grind along, fully enmeshed in the scene I’m writing and agonizing about getting it right. It’s slow going, and I wish I could write faster, but in the end, I’m always glad I “suffered” during the writing phase, because when I’m finished with the story, it’s very close to being ready to turn in. My editing phase is more about polishing and refining than rewriting/revision. Somewhere during this phase, everything comes together and I usually feel amazed at having produced such a story. And with that wonderful high, all the remembered agony fades from my mind and I can hardly wait to get started on the next project!

Can you tell us about your new release Ghostland?

Well, first I’d point out that Ghostland is a new direction for me. It’s a post-apocalyptic urban fantasy romance with erotic elements as opposed to my Ellora’s Cave titles which are all straight erotic romance.

In Ghostland, Aisling is forced to go to Oakland to perform a shaman’s service on behalf of an important man. In the course of doing it she summons Zurael, who she thinks is a demon (he’s actually a Djinn). He intends to kill her for calling and commanding him, but ends up needing to protect her instead as they both try to accomplish tasks they’ve agreed to undertake. There are powerful forces at work behind the scenes and larger goals, including the return of the Djinn and the reclaiming of Earth. Unknown to Aisling and Zurael, they are meant to play a part in preparing for the upcoming war between supernatural beings.

I was totally thrilled when Cindy Hwang, my Berkley editor asked me to write a Dear Reader letter for the Penguin Paranormal Special Interest web page. It’s up now at http://us.penguingroup.com/static/pages/specialinterests/paranormal/index.html.

This is your first release from a New York publisher, correct. Are you nervous?

Yes. It’s my first and I’m very nervous.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

Spider-Touched, which is set in the same post-apocalyptic world as Ghostland releases August 4. The Fallon Mates book I’m just about to turn in will also come out this year.

What are you currently working on?

I’m finishing up a new book in my Fallon Mate series with EC. When it’s turned in, I’ll be moving to a third book for Berkley, also set in the world of Ghostland and Spider-Touched though this one will focus on shapeshifters, both those working in the brothels of the Oakland red zone and those who control wild territories beyond it. The hero is a jaguar shapeshifter, the heroine a gifted human healer.

Where do you get your ideas for your books?

Any more, most of them are character driven. A secondary character from one book pops up and demands his or her story be told. To which I say, “Okay, but what’s your story about? What question or reality does it explore? Or what answer does it reveal if it’s connected to an on-going plot arc from previous stories?”

As an author, you must be an avid reader. What books do you enjoy reading? Who are your auto-buy authors?

I read a wide range of fiction. Robert Crais, P.J. Tracy, J.D. Rob are auto-buys for me when it comes to mystery/suspense. Wen Spencer, Ilona Andrews and Michelle Sagara (Cast In series) when it comes to fantasy. Nalini Singh, Patricia Briggs when it comes to paranormal romance/urban fantasy. I also love Neil Gaiman, Carl Hiaasen, and Terry Pratchett.

What books are on your keeper shelf?

The books on my keeper shelves fall into two categories. The first is what I call comfort reads, books I go to when I don’t want to start something new or when I want to escape into a world I already know I love. The second type of books are the stories I want to reread and dissect in order to figure out why they are such great reads.

What was the first romance book you read?

I’m sure it was a Harlequin, one of the series books. My Aunt Hazel would go to the store the days they came out and buy all of them without even looking at the back covers.

If one of your books was made into a movie, which book would you like it to be and which actors would like to see as the lead characters?

Crime Tells: Lyric’s Cop, though I have no idea of who the leads should be. I’ll confess, I’m much more of a reader than a TV or movie watcher.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters who would if be & why?

Tough choice. I love Dante and Benito in Crime Tells: Calista’s Men, so being Calista would definitely be fun. But being Kiziah and having my very own vampire, like Fane, and sharing him with a guy like Cable in Carnival Tarot: Kiziah’s Reading would be great too. Of the two Berkley books I’ve written, I’d trade places with Aisling (and not just for Zurael). I’d love to be able to enter the spiritlands the way she can.

When you are not writing or reading, what do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

Riding my horses. Being outside, either doing a great imitation of a lizard lying in the sun 🙂 or walking with my dogs.

If you could ask readers anyone question, what would it be?

Of the books you’ve read in 2009, what genre dominates? And if it’s romance, is there one particular type you read more than any others? I’ll start this off by answering (very easy for me because I actually keep a list!) So far, it’s a three way tie between mystery, fantasy, and romance, with the urban fantasy tipping the scales to make “Fantasy” the winner if I throw them into that category instead of Romance.

For more information on Jory Strong and her books, please visit her website at http://www.jorystrong.com/

***Jory has graciously offered to give away a book – winner’s choice of any available download book or print book.***

38 Responses

  1. Great interview! I guess the sub-genre for me is paranormal romance. I’ve been reading them for years, but recently, more and more of my faves have had a dark edge. And if the story combines erotica with paranormal, even better!

  2. Awesome interview! I’ve had my eye on this book for a while now, Ghostland. The cover is amazing and the blurb is very nice too! Looking forward to it!

  3. I am a big romance fan! I also have kind of been getting into the urban fantasy a bit lately. J.R. Ward is simply awesome (Although her last book wasn’t a re-reader) and I’ve enjoyed Larissa Ione and Jim Butcher’s series.

    I still have time for my old regency faves too though. 🙂 I also have a comfort shelf (well a group of comfort books anyway) that I like to reread..it’s like meeting your friends again!

  4. Very neat interview!! I’m very excited about Ghostland and can’t wait to get to read it!!! 🙂

  5. I love the interview! I am glad to have another author to add to my list!! I am a romance junkie… but in 2009 my attention has been drawn to paranormal romance. As to the why… I think it is because my mind can expand on the different avenues the world can take. The “problems” the charactrers have to over come to fall in love make the story that much more interesting to read. Their hang-ups are just a little more exterme than the guy next door. So, if I am not scare by the fact that they are a shapeshifter or a vampire or just a demented demon… then I could actually fall in love with them. Which makes the reading that more involved and entertaining!
    Hope everyone has a great day!

  6. Thanks Lillie, Jessica, Rachie, Blanche, and Cecile for stopping by. Paranormal is addicting. Not sure whether it provides so much more of an escape, or whether it’s just easier to escape into in the first place. At the moment I find it hard to hunker down and read anything that doesn’t have any at least one fantasy/paranormal element in it.

  7. […] Jory Strong, author of Ghostland, by I Don’t Want to Wait, I Want the Book Now […]

  8. Great interview! I love reading books about ghost. I am getting more into paranormals every day. I use to only read historical but I have changed a lot in the past couple of years. I have found that I really love a lot of the paranormals.

  9. Great interview and love the sound of this book. The genre I have read the most is paranormal romance and lot of them have been urban fantasy.

  10. I’m just reading various genres of romance right now. Genre wise though contemporary is the front running of my books so far. I have been feeling a paranormal phase coming on though.

    Ghostland sounds like something I’d be interested in for sure.

  11. Wonderful interview! Your book sounds awesome! I love historicals, mystery/suspense, and paranormals.

  12. Thanks Quilt Lady, Lisa, Brandy and Margie for stopping by.

    It’s interesting to see historicals making it onto the list. For the first time in years (maybe as many as seven or eight), I’ve started getting interested in historicals again and reading the reviews for them when my RT shows up.

    The comments so far demonstrate just how popular paranormal is, though. I think everyone is reading it!

  13. Yep, I am a big paranormal fan too, the majority of the books I’ve read so far this year fall in this and the urban fantasy category. Big congrats on your NY release, what a kick. Already have Ghostland on my tbb list.

  14. Hi Jory! Fantastic interview. My favorite genres are Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I think that I am pretty much open to any of it. I love the vampires, the shifters, and the demons etc, but I also love series such as Cherry Adair’s paranormal/TFLAC series which is wizards. I have Ghostland on my TBB list, it sounds great. Congrats on the release!

  15. Thanks Cathy and Barb! I alternate between being totally excited about the upcoming release of Ghostland, and a nervous wreck over it 🙂

  16. Wow thanks for being here today. I love finding new authors and your books intrigue me. I will definetly be checking into your work and hopefully reading some soon. Please add to me to the hat for a chance to win.

  17. Great interview. My favourite type of book is time-travel/ romantic suspense

  18. Sara, one of the things I’m really loving about the world of blogging AND the Kindle2 my parents surprised me with, is that now when I “discover” a new author who interests me, I can usually go straight to Amazon and download a sample first chapter. It makes it so much easier to not only remember the names and stories I’ve come across, but to check them out without having to go from store to store, or wait for a book to arrive in the mail. If I like the first chapter, I’m only one click away from having the entire book!

  19. Chey–time travel is a tough one to pull off. I admit, I do not have the courage to attempt it as a writer. Maybe one day in the future…

  20. I’ve read a variety of books already this year and I don’t think one genre stands out more than others, although I’ve probably read more memoirs/biographies than usual. I’ve made it a goal this year to read more non-fiction as I’ve slacked off from that lately.

  21. Thanks for stopping by to post LuAnn. You and I share the same goal–more non-fiction reading. I hope you’re doing better at it than I am. Fiction is so much easier to slide into for me. I find myself putting off the non-fiction until it’s time to choose the next book to start reading, then putting it off again…

  22. Hi Jory! Great interview! Ghostland sounds great! All of my books have been romance.

  23. congrats on teh book and great reviews 4 1/2 stars
    would love to read a past book from u please count me in

  24. Hi, Jory! A friend generously loaned me your first three Crime Tells books and after reading them, I bought my own copies. 🙂

    As for books, I read primarily romance–pretty much all sub-genres, although Iess of the intense romantic suspense or super scary paranormal (just call me a big chicken–I’ll be clucking under the bed there). And outside romance, it’s an infrequent mishmash–non-fiction, humor, fantasy, sci-fi, children’s… whatever happens to catch and hold my interest 🙂

  25. Thanks Amy S and KH. I’m really excited about Ghostland’s impending release (when I’m not anxious about it, that is.)

    A copy of it is up for grabs when Greta picks a winner 🙂 Though I’m equally happy to ship off one of my erotic romance titles (in print or e-book format).

  26. Gostland sounds like my kind of read nice having you here today!

  27. Nice interview. I read more erotica than anything else in 2008.

  28. Fedora, I’m thrilled you liked the Crime Tells books enough to add them to your collection. They’re my only non-paranormal stories. It’s always a struggle to get started writing them because of it, but once I get into the world of the Montgomerys and Maguires, I want to stay there and keep writing.

  29. Teresa W and Quiltingreader, thanks so much for stopping by.

    And Greta–thanks again for inviting me to hang out on your blog for a day.

  30. Most of the books I’ve read this year have been paranormal romance. There’s also some urban fantasy, erotica, historical romance and romantic fantasy. I think I have read a bit too few historical romances compared to last year.

  31. Hi Jory, great intervew. I can’t wait for your next release Spider-Touched. I have enjoyed everything that you have written. Hope all is well. Take care.

  32. Maija, thanks for stopping by and posting. Carolyn, too. I’ve just finished reading the page proofs (galley) of Spider-Touched and I can hardly wait to have it in reader hands. I love this story!

  33. Jory – Thanks for the interesting interview! Although Historical Romance is my usual #1 genre favorite, for 2009 I have been reading a lot ot paranormals… the Sookie Stackhouse (vampire+) series and the Rachel Morgan (witch+) series. I’ve also been reading a lot of new-to-me authors instead of my collections of favorite authors. I have enjoyed getting to know new authors!

  34. Martha, I’m glad you stopped by. I love the Sookie Stackhouse series, too. And have found this year, that more and more I’m reading new authors, especially in the fantasy genre.

  35. Hi Jory – Hope it’s not too late to add my comment. I’ve read some of your EC erotic romance and enjoyed it. Since I also like urban fantasy in its many permutations, I’m looking forward to reading this. Best of luck with Ghostland!

  36. Thanks Amy!

  37. Hi Jory, I hope I´m not late!

    Most of the books I´ve read this year have been romance, romantic suspence/crime and contemp romance to be exact. 🙂 I´ve also read few fantasy books and paranormal romance.

  38. Great interview. I just wanted to add that Ghostland sounds fantastic and I cant wait to get the chance to read it.

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